By Kristi Brose
Northern Unit met on May 13 at the extension office. Thirteen members enjoyed lunch and then the meeting. Those present were: Kristi Brose, Mary Bauer, Ginger Prior, Carolyn Odom, Linda Duncan, Earlene Galloway, Ola Dalby, Joyce Lee, Sue Browning, Carolyn Steckenrider, Janice Richardson, Darla Forsythe and new member, Janice Briley.
New business was discussed. Every member paid their dues for next year. Dues will probably go up for next year. We voted to have our newsletters left in the office to pick up. Several choices were presented, emailing to those with computers and having that person print out copies for those who didn’t have one, self addressed stamped envelopes for them to be mailed to the person or copies left in the office to pick up by the units. Scholarship fund discussed and Kristi made the motion to send $25 and Sue seconded it, motion carried.
Congratulations to Paige Hutchcraft, who was a recipient of the county scholarship. The board is needing members to serve, the offices available as of the annual meeting are as follows: Community Outreach, International, Certified Volunteer Hours and Ways and Means. Anyone interested, please contact one of the board members. Volunteer hours were discussed and members were told what hours they could keep track of and turn in. The 4-H Fair was brought up, and three members will take pies to the fair on July 14. Mary, Ginger and Kristi will supply the pies. This is our last meeting until September, so everyone please have a safe and happy summer !
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