Electoral College meeting as we speak

In what is usually a rubber stamp, but the Electoral College is meeting as we speak in the state legislatures in the 50 states.  Here is a summary of the events that have happened over the few weeks.

Protesters in NYC that are part of the Hamilton movement . (AP photo)

Protesters in NYC that are part of the Hamilton movement . (AP photo)

Electors in states that Donald Trump won in the general election have been swayed by supporters of Democratic Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton  using a quote in the Federalist Papers by founding father Alexander Hamilton.  They are questioning Trump’s fitness to be president.  Here is the quote they cling to in Federalist Papers 68:

“Electors should be men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice.”

The “Hamilton Electors” movement has been spearheaded by electors Brett Chilafio of Colorado and Michael Bacha of Washington. Mrs. Clinton carried both of these states.

Electors from states that president elect Donald Trump carried, have been bombarded with e-mails, letters, and even harassment from the Hamilton Elector movement.

Some states in their constitutions have “faithless elector” clauses in their constitution that duty bounds electors to go with the will of the people in their states.  If they do not cast the vote in the will of the people, they can face prosecution.

FranklinCounty-news.com will update this throughout the day.


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