by Steve Dunford
One of the things that I love about Christmas the most is the peacefulness of it. My wife, son and I used to go to my grandparents and then my mom and dad’s on Christmas eve. Sometimes, we would go back on Christmas night.
We lived in Sesser at the time. The twenty mile trip to Thompsonville was one of the highlights of my Christmas.
Some might see it strange, but seeing every business closed, except a few convenience stores open going through Benton and West City, gave me a sense of peace. The world seemed like it was standing still.

The scene at any Walmart across the nation 364 days a year, a packed house. The empty parking lot was great to see, thinking of employees having a day with their friends and family.
The thoughts of how the town was bustling a few hours before, with people grabbing last minute gifts and goodies for their celebration, then all at once everything came to a screeching halt. People were at gatherings spending time with their loved ones.
After opening gifts on Christmas morning, there is always such a quietness and calm like no other day in the year. There is little traffic. You walk outside to go to gatherings, and there is a stillness that does not exist on the other 364 days of the year.
Christmas is a magical and special time. Nothing is more precious than seeing the face of a child light up on Christmas morning or the days leading up to it.
The reason Christmas is so special, is the birth of a savior who was born of a virgin, who died for a rotten sinner like me. He died for you as well. It is there for the asking.
The holidays are painful for some. Losing someone special in ones life lives a hole. A lot of people battle emptiness and loneliness. Here are a couple verses to cling to during this time, if you feel sadness. They will give you peace. (Phillipians 4:7) and (John 14:27)
If you heart is troubled reach out to him for the ultimate peace. Jesus is reaching out to you.
The awareness that we need peace on this earth comes up during this season. We all have the sin nature. There might be times of peace and prosperity, but until Jesus rules and reigns on this earth, there will be no world peace. He is the Prince of Peace. There are a lot of people who differ on theology, but the main thing he is returning. Are you ready for his coming?
Lastly, I have had this thought running though my head. This is during the days of shag carpet, and when I was the remote control back in the 1970’s This is during the days when there was just three, six, and twelve.
There was a Coke commercial during that time that ran during that era. It was a take from the folk song I’d like to teach the world to sing. I shared world peace was not inevitable, but keep in mind personal peace is through Jesus Christ.
As we go into the new year, I am going to put more focus on changing the world around me. One thing the Lord has done a mighty work in me, is to have a positive outlook on things. We are all a work in progress, and it is a lifetime of molding us into what we need to be.
If someone is grumpy, depressed, sad or lonely. Give them a helping hand. Smiles and kind words go along way.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas. It is a blessing to be able to sit behind this keyboard. Thank you all for the positive words. God bless you all.
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