Nearly 200 new Illinois laws take effect Jan. 1

state-capitolThere were 192 laws that took effect yesterday in the state. I am going to give you a small sampling of them from the AP story. Click on the link to read the full text of them…I am going to give you the “Cliff Notes”…..Illinois is believed to be the first state to require hairstylists to undergo training to help them spot signs of domestic or sexual abuse…..Another law says employees allowed sick leave for injuries or doctor appointments can take leave for the illness or appointment of a family member…..The state will also extend the statute

This law was inspired by the case of Molly Young of Carbondale, which is very familiar to most of us in Southern Illinois

This law was inspired by the case of Molly Young of Carbondale, which is very familiar to most of us in Southern Illinois

of limitations from two years to five years for people to file wrongful death lawsuits and will increase fines for public bodies, including police departments, that don’t comply with court orders to release information. ……….Police can no longer interrogate anyone younger than 15 without an attorney present when investigating serious crimes. The age was previously 13………….Illinois will eliminate the so-called “tampon

The "tampon law" goes into effect where the tax has been eliminated on feminine hygiene products. I feel it ought to be eliminated on all health and beauty aids.

The “tampon law” goes into effect where the tax has been eliminated on feminine hygiene products. I feel it ought to be eliminated on all health and beauty aids. (an editorial comment)

tax,” which proponents say is a matter of gender equity. ……..Insurance companies must provide coverage for nearly all forms of contraception approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which the law had limited to fewer options……..Two laws focus on the state’s ongoing efforts to fight opioid addiction. One allows drug court participants to use medication, like methadone, for treatment. Another requires state-licensed treatment programs to provide education information about medication-based treatments and the use of anti-overdose drugs………..The new state artifact will be a long canoe once used by Native Americans, including the Illini. It’s called a “pirogue” and state Rep. Laura Fine, a suburban Democrat, credited a middle-school history project as the impetus….This has my curiosity….I will try to find all of the statues….

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