If you’ve ever wondered why there’s still a wheelbarrow token in the Monopoly board game, now’s your chance to ensure that the game pieces for the next version of the game are the ones that truly deserve to be there. From January 10 through January 31, Monopoly is asking the Internet to vote for the game pieces that they deem worthy to be the next eight tokens, ranging from current classic pieces like the thimble and top hat to more than 50 new options that include a rubber duck and a penguin. Some of the tokens that more accurately represent modern times are a wireless phone, a computer, a kissy face that bears a striking resemblance to an emoji, and a sports car. This isn’t the first time that Monopoly game pieces have been updated; in fact, the most recent update was the replacement of the iron token with Hazel the Cat in 2013. Please click to read the rest of the story from Time magazine.
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