Benton, West Frankfort, Illinois News | Franklin County News
Newspaper covering Franklin County, Illinois
(AP photo)
President-Elect Donald Trump gave his first news conference since winning the election — and it was epic. If pundits and the Washington elite think Mr. Trump is going to change his tone or style going into the White House, they’re sorely mistaken. He’s a fighter. He’s accomplished too much in his life, overcome too many obstacles to bow down to anybody. Including the press. “No, I’m not going to give you an answer,” Mr. Trump told CNN’s Jim Acosta. “You are fake news.” The exchange came on the heels of an explosive CNN report that said the intelligence community presented a briefing to both President Obama and Mr. Trump “including allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.” Except no one knows if that’s true — or has verified the contents of the report on which it was based. Please read the rest of the story from Kelly Ridell of the Washington Times…(This is an op-ed piece but it also gives the highlights of today)
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December 29, 2024
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