Brian Stover’s front yard is directly across U.S. 51 from the Patoka Tank Farm.
PATOKA, IL- The southern end of the Dakota Access Pipeline is in Patoka, which is north of Centralia on US 51. Mary Delach Leonard of St. Louis Public Radio looks at the villiage of Patoka and the the community to the north, Vernon, and the tank farm that has existed since the 1940’s between the two. Several here in Franklin County will identify with Patoka for being a power house in Class 1A Boys Basketball, with and enrollment usually around 60 students. Please click on the link to read the full story. Here is an excerpt. Brian Stover raises chickens at his house in rural Marion County, Illinois, just across the road from the Patoka Tank Farm where the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline ends — about 75 miles east of St. Louis. Stover, 54, likes living out here in the country on U.S. Highway 51, between the tiny villages of Vernon and Patoka. He sells his eggs — including speckled ones from Easter Egger hens — for $2 a dozen. A hand-lettered sign on his back porch welcomes customers to his home … … Where the tea is Sweet Friends Belong Love Endures & Our Faith is Strong
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