Larry Morris sings Amazing Grace at the ceremony. He spent years in the mines, and was a Federal Mine Inspector as well. In his retirement, he teaches retraining courses at several community colleges.
WEST FRANKFORT, IL (Evie Allen, WSIL-TV Please click on the link above for the link to the full story and the accompanying video. Below is an excerpt.)
Saturday, the beautiful weather brought a lot of people and excitement in West Frankfort.
The Old King Coal Festival kicked off Thursday, but on Saturday morning, the community came together to honor coal miners past and present.
Every year, the Old King Coal Festival brings thousands to celebrate West Frankfort’s coal mining legacy, a tradition that started in 1941 with a grand parade downtown.
“The whole reason that West Frankfort had a coal festival was because Franklin County and the city of West Frankfort actually had many coal mines working in the early 1940’s,” said Festival Publicity Director Marcia Raubach.
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