A truck burst into flames outside the Liquor Barrel in West Frankfort Tuesday Night. (WSIL – Photo)
BENTON and WEST FRANKFORT, IL (Sean Conway, WSIL -TV. Please click on the link above for the full story and video. Here is an excerpt below.)
A truck bursts into flames in Franklin County, and fire investigators blame a mechanical problem.
Tuesday night, the flames erupted on the truck in a liquor store parking lot in West Frankfort. Fire officials encourage you to react as calmly and quickly as possible if this happens to you on the road.
“We ask that people do exit their vehicle, immediately, with regard to safety of oncoming traffic, and to make sure once they get off the roadway, and get out of the vehicle, and they stay away from the vehicle.” said Chief Shane Cockrum, with the Benton Fire Department.
“Just Monday before you head to work, it’s a good idea to pop your hood and check all your fluids there,” said Luke Dare, with Napa Auto Parts in West Frankfort. “Check underneath the car if you have time in the morning.”
“Don’t expect to put your fire out. At that point, you should always, before you use that fire extinguisher, you should call 911 and have a fire department en route,” said Cockrum.
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