Bost Votes to Improve Accountability at VA

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Mike Bost (IL-12) issued the following statement after the House voted with a large bipartisan majority to pass the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act (S. 1094) to improve accountability and whistleblower protections at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA):

“The vast majority of employees at the VA are honest and hardworking, and it’s unfair to the good employees when the VA refuses to or cannot hold bad actors accountable,” said Rep. Bost. “Mismanagement and misconduct wouldn’t be accepted at any business or corporation, and it certainly shouldn’t be allowed at the VA. Our veterans deserve nothing but the best health care services and support after valiantly serving their country and protecting our freedoms.  That begins with each VA employee being held accountable for his or her job performance.  No hero should suffer because government bureaucrats failed to fulfill their responsibilities.”

A summary of S. 1094 can be found HERE.

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