State Fair Entry Deadlines Approaching

Press Release from the Illinois Department of Agriculture

SPRINGFIELD, IL – State Fair Manager Kevin Gordon wants to remind fairgoers of several upcoming competition deadlines for the 2017 Illinois State Fair.

Entry deadlines for various competitions are listed below.  Please note that some deadlines fall on a Saturday.  If an entry deadline falls on a weekend, entries must be postmarked by the following Monday to be accepted.  More information about the 2017 Illinois State Fair competitions can be found online at or by calling the Competitive Events office at (217) 782-0786.

Competition Entry Deadline
Open Show:  Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Goats July 1   
Junior Show:  Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Swine, Goats, Poultry, Rabbits July 1
Society Horse Show July 7 (Late Entry due 7/21; fees doubled)
Open Show:  Poultry & Rabbits July 10
Twilight Parade July 11
General Entries July 15
Open Show:  Late Entry ($50/head) July 25
Dairy Products August 9
Bee Culture-Professional August 9
Bee Culture-Open August 10


The 2017 Illinois State Fair will be held Aug. 10 – 20.

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