Democrat leaders disagree over whether Friday is ‘artificial’ deadline for budget deal

State Comptroller Susan Mendoza (D) discusses the budget crisis with Democratic Lawmakers

SPRINGFIELD, IL – (Greg Bishop – Illinois News Network.  Please click on the link above for this and other breaking stories involving the budget crisis in Springfield.  We will keep you updated throughout the day -sd)

Illinois is careening toward fiscal insolvency without a budget, and the state’s comptroller says taxpayers better prepare for maximum impact. Those who don’t think there will be real consequences if the state enters a third year without an approved budget are out of their minds, she said.

“If we don’t have a budget deal in place by midnight on June 30th, it is almost a guaranteed certainty, because the credit rating agencies have already said as much, they will downgrade us to junk bond territory,” Comptroller Susana Mendoza, a Democrat, said, adding that this is no false alarm.

House Deputy Majority Leader Lou Lang, D-Skokie, told Illinois News Network this week that Friday’s midnight deadline is “artificial.”

Mendoza said anyone who thinks that needs to grow up.

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