Woman Has Wedding After Son Tragically Dies. Then He Shows Up, Leaving Everyone In Tears
(Abby Sensening, gladwire.com. Please click on the link above for this uplifting story. Here is an excerpt below.)

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It was finally the day. The day every woman waits for. Their wedding day. Becky Turney was so excited to walk down the aisle to her fiancé Kelly Turney. But there was just one thing missing. Her son Triston Green.
Triston had passed away at the young age of 19 just nearly 2 years ago. It was hard, and all she wanted was for him to be there with her. Little did she know that a part of him would be.
Back in 2015, Jason Kilby received a heart transplant that saved his life. And that heart belonged to Triston. Becky and Jacob had been in contact on various occasions, but they never actually met in person. So when he appeared at the wedding, Becky couldn’t control her excitement.
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