Senate Overrides Gov. Rauner’s amendatory veto of SB 1

By Steve Dunford

Senate President John Cullerton called the Senate to special session this afternoon.  Senate Bill 0001.  Governor Rauner had an amendatory veto to remove from the bill, a bailout of the Chicago pension fund.

There was a dispute whether an override needed a majority or super majority (60%).  The bill passed 36-18 this afternoon.  Local Senators Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg) and Paul Schimpf (R-Waterloo) voted against the override.

Here is a statement issued by Dale Fowler, about the action of the Senate this afternoon.

“It’s unfortunate Senate Democrats voted to override the Governor’s school funding reform plan, a plan that would have provided the 38 school districts in my district $7.5  million more than under Senate Bill 1,” said Fowler.  “I remain hopeful that we can continue to work toward a compromise that treats all Illinois school districts fairly, especially those in downstate Illinois.  The time for partisan gamesmanship is over, the students of Illinois deserve nothing less than our best effort.” 

There will be further updates as information becomes available.


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