Franklin County Farm Bureau News: How HSE affects local farmers

From Gay Bowlin, Franklin County Farm Bureau President 

BENTON, IL – Governor Rauner signed the HSE into effect to allow farmers to haul grain and/or livestock due to crop conditions. All three common forms of weight restriction – gross, axle and registered – are addressed. In each case, the permit can allow up to a maximum of 10 percent over the standard weight restriction.

Gay Bowlin

There is no cost for the HSE permit. However, you will need to have documents in EACH truck from IDOT during this time. The HSE ruling also indicates that a permit is needed for county routes, district roads and municipal streets – I have called Franklin County and talked to Matt Barnett and Mike Rolla has indicated that Franklin County is not requiring a county permit at this time for emergency harvest.

The townships that I have spoken with – Benton and Tyrone – indicate that they will not require a written permit to run on their roads.   The most important part of this is that YOU CANNOT RUN ON ANY INTERSTATE HIGHWAYS WHILE OVERWEIGHT.

To get the IDOT permit it is necessary to go to their website and go to the oversize and overweight site and create a log in. A permit will then be issued to you – remember that each truck/plate must have a written permit at least from IDOT. This includes any truck that is hauling grain – not just a farm plate.

Each truck will be required to have three documents:

  1. The permit (printed or electronic)
  2. A copy of form OPER 993*; and (*special vehicle movement permit provisions)
  3.  A copy of the Governor’s declaration

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 435-3616 and I will do my best to walk you through the process.

We are still looking for Silent Auction Items for our Annual Meeting. The proceeds will benefit Ag in the Classroom. If you have an item that you would like to donate please contact our office at 435-3616 and we can make arrangements to pick it up. Thank you for your consideration and this is a tax deductible donation.

Also, it is time again to ask for donations for our annual “Harvest of Help” – we collect money then purchase food for each of the nine food pantries in Franklin County. Every dollar helps! This is a tax deductible donation and checks need to be made to Franklin County Farm Bureau Foundation. Over the nine years that we have been doing the Harvest of Help we have donated in excess of $62,000 to the food pantries. We are very proud of the support that we have received from everyone for this program.

It is time again to order pecans, oranges and grapefruit.

Pecans will be $10.00 for a jumbo 1 lb bag of  ½ shelled and $7.00 for a 12 oz bag of choc covered pecans.

Oranges – a 40 lb box is $35.00 and 20 lb box is $25.00

Grapefruit – 40 lb box is $30.00 and 20 lb box is $20.00

(we will not have Tangelos this year at all – sorry for the inconvenience.) 

Orders must be received by November 22 for fruit and they will be in before Christmas. Pecans will be in before Thanksgiving. Call 435-3616 now to get your order in.

Remember we are farmers working together. If we can help let us know.



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