Agenda for Rend Lake College Board of Trustees meeting


November 14, 2017 6:30 PM Rend Lake College 468 N Ken Gray Parkway Ina, IL 62846

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. General Information

A. Announcements

1. Friday, November 15, 2017; Noon Documentary Film Showing, Paper Clips RLC Theatre

2. Thursday, December 7, 2017; 6:00 p.m. RLCF Annual Dinner Meeting Mt Vernon Hotel & Event Center “formerly Holiday Inn”

3. Friday, December 8, 2017 RLC Faculty/Staff Holiday Luncheon “Hummer” Waugh Gymnasium

B. Audit Presentation IV. Closed Session – The Board may go into closed session pursuant to Section 2(c)(1)(21) of the Open Meetings Act.

Subsection (1) appointment, employment, and compensation of specific employees; (21) approval of meeting minutes.

V. Resume Open Meeting

VI. Approval of Consent Agenda

VII. Approval of Minutes of the: 1 * October 17, 2017 Board of Trustees Meeting;* * October 17, 2017 Board of Trustees Executive Session*

VIII. New Business

13 * A. Approval of Revisions to Rend Lake College Policy Manual 2.1700 – Background Checks for Potential and Current Employees (Second Reading) 16 * B. Approval of Revisions to Rend Lake College Policy Manual 3.1420 – Return to Work Certification (Second Reading)

18 * C. Approval of Revisions to Rend Lake College Policy & Procedure 4.1010 – Enrollment of International Students (Second Reading)

22 * D. Approval to Create Rend Lake College Policy 2.1507 – Media Relations (Second Reading)

24 * E. Approval to Create Rend Lake College Policy 3.1112 – Student Employment (Second Reading)

26 * F. Course / Curriculum Approvals (TO BE PROVIDED)

31 G. Approval of Student Worker Handbook (TO BE PROVIDED)

32 H. Approval of Transfer Admission Guarantee Program Agreement Between The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and Rend Lake College

39 I. Approval of 2018 – 2019 Academic Calendar

41 J. Approval of Protection, Health, and Safety Projects (PHS Levy) for FY 19

42 K. Approval of Revisions to Rend Lake College Policy 3.1530 – Holidays (First Reading)

IX. Personnel

45 A. Ratify the Acceptance of Resignation of Academic Advisor

48 B. Create the Position, Approve the Job Description, and advertise for License Exempt Monitor – CCRR

51 C. Appointment of Dean of Applied Science & Technology

53 D. Amend Retirement Resignation of Administrative Assistant of Math and Sciences

A. Employment Status of Tenured Certified Nursing Assistant Instructor (TO BE PROVIDED)

X. Financial Information 56 A. Ratification of the Payment of College Expenses including Travel Expense Reimbursements


XI. Reports

1. Academic Council

2. ICCTA Representative
3. Rend Lake College Foundation 4. Accreditation Report

XII. Public Comment

XIII. President’s Comments

XIV. Adjournment

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