Franklin County Farm Bureau News

From Gay Bowlin Manager, Franklin Count y Farm Bureau  

Trucking regulations got you scratching your head? Are you hearing conflicting explanations? To sort fact from fiction Kevin Rund, Illinois Farm Bureau Senior Director of Local Government who has specialized in farm transportation issues for more than 30 years will be at the Franklin County Farm Bureau office on Friday February 2 at 7:30 a.m. We will serve breakfast and Kevin will explain the new laws and answer any questions that you might have. Please call the office as soon possible 435-3616 to make your reservation.

On Saturday February 3 from 8 am to 12 pm, Extreme Exigency will be at the Franklin County Farm Bureau Building offering a Utah Conceal and Carry Class. The Utah CFP permit training class takes 4 hours. Firing of a firearm is not required to obtain the Non-Resident Utah concealed firearm permit. The permit is valid for 5 years and re-training is not required for renewal. This permit is perfect for people who travel and want to legally protect themselves and their family.

All the training materials are provided and for your added convenience we provide photos and fingerprint cards. The Utah permit is recognized in 34 states, 32 states for non-residents (Colorado, Florida, Michigan, and New Hampshire has residency restrictions). Non-residents from states that have CCW permits must obtain their state’s permit before applying for the Utah permit (this change in effect May 10, 2011). Illinois residents are exempt from this requirement.

Course Fee:$85.00 Non-Farm Bureau Members or $65.00 for Current Members and does not include the permit fee of $67.00 to the State of Utah. Call the office at 435-3616 to register for this class or if you have questions call Extreme Exigency at (314) 925-0869.

We have invited Dale Durchholz, Senior Market Analyst for AgriVisor to speak to our farmer members concerning the current market and conditions of the futures market. Dale will be at the Franklin County Farm Bureau on Tuesday, February 6 at 7:30 a.m. Breakfast will be served.  The information he will provide will be beneficial in planning what to do with crops still in the bins and on what you will decide to plant in the Spring. We have been inviting Dale to speak for many years. His priority is to keep farmers informed. Please call if you would like to attend this meeting so we have the numbers for breakfast.  Call the office at (618) 435-3616 at make your reservations today.

The Franklin County Farm Bureau has had several calls in reference to their farmland assessments and we are going to take another opportunity to explain how this works.  Brenda Matherly, Assistant Director for Local Government from the Illinois Farm Bureau will be on hand to answer any questions that you might have.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday February 7 @ 5:30 p.m. at the Benton Civic Center  and is open to the public.

Reservations are not necessary but we encourage you to attend this meeting if you are having questions or issues with your farmland assessment part of your tax bill.

If you have questions please call us at 435-3616

 Remember we are farmers working together. If we can help let us know.


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