By Jim Muir
She’s a 75-year-old bible-quoting great-grandmother that says what she means and means what she says. She’s a Jesus-loving role-model to countless young people who think she’s a super-hero and while there is no cape visible when you meet her, you realize there has to be one somewhere. She has big ideas and even bigger dreams. She’s part evangelist, part prophet, part comedian, part whirlwind and all business. And in less than a year’s time she has turned a dilapidated, run-down building into a sanctuary and a haven of hope for many area young people.
Meet GG Severs!
Severs, of Christopher, has been married to husband Perry for 55 years. They have five children, 10 grandchildren, two great-grand-children and two more greats on the way. She was born and raised in Mounds, a small community located in deep southern Illinois.
“I want to make one thing clear; I didn’t do any of this,” GG said as she waved her arm in a circular motion around the large and beautifully decorated building that formerly housed Tyrone Township, located on the south side of Christopher. “This was all God that made all this happen and brought us through the past year.”
Jesus Cats is the name given to the building by the scores of young people who attend there weekly. The “Cats” part of the title is for the Bearcats, the longtime moniker of Christopher High School. And of course, the “Jesus” part of the title is to honor the Savior that GG and a growing number of young people celebrate.
“I love the name of our building,” GG said. “The kids came up with it and I think it’s just perfect.”
So how did Jesus Cats come to fruition? GG said a planned church visit with two of her grandsons a couple years ago set the wheels in motion that eventually led to Jesus Cats becoming a reality.
“I was going to take Scout and Briar to visit a church one night and it snowed and we couldn’t go,” she said. “And they said ‘why don’t you just teach us,’ so I did. And two young people led to 5 young people…and 5 led to 10…and now we have more than 130 kids involved.”

A sign above the door of the former Tyrone Township Building is a symbol of the major change that has happened in the past year.
With not a bashful bone in her body, GG said she heard that township officials were going to get rid of the old Tyrone Township building, which also served as a polling place. She said she prayed about it and then contacted the officials with an unusual, and perhaps even a little brazen, request.
“I heard the building was going to be sold so I called the township and told them the Lord told me that they should give it to me,” she said matter-of-factly. “And they said: ‘Now Mrs. Severs, we can’t do that, people vote here, it was a government building.’ I told them, ‘I’m just telling you what God said you should do.’ They called me back three hours later and told me they were giving me the building.”
The transaction – she actually gave $1 for the building – took place on January 2, 2022. An important fact to GG and one that she emphasized is that the purchase took place “with no opposition.”
“Once they gave me the building, I knew there wasn’t going to be a problem because God told me that nobody would speak against this, because that’s how God works,” she said.

Enjoying Jesus Cats! Pictured left to right, GG Severs, Scout Hudgens, Layla Johnson, Mya Wilson, Breanna Ourada and Briar Rowland.
In one year’s time, GG has not only taken the Township building that was in a bad state of disrepair and turned it into a showcase, but also established a board of directors who oversee all the incoming donations and expenses.
“First, we don’t owe a dime to anybody for any of the remodeling or furnishings and we never had to borrow any money to get this started, it has all been through donations,” she said. “But I needed a board to control me because I can’t tell anybody “No.” We had a little boy come down here and he wanted one of our chairs and I sent him home with it. We have a great group of Godly people that make up our board. We have an accountant and our board is made up of people from outside of Christopher who don’t know any of the kids. I don’t get any money for doing this…I don’t want any money for doing this…and you can see what God has provided for us in only one year.”
Jesus Cats is decorated beautifully and has a variety of activities for young people, including pool, foos ball, table hockey, a lounge area and a staple for any teenager — an abundance of soft drinks, candy and snacks. One wall is decorated with prayer requests and on the wall of the same room is a locked box that young people can write out a prayer request that is personal. In all, there is a little something for everybody that attends Jesus Cats.
GG teaches 34 classes a month and is at the building seven days a week while also serving as encourager, cheerleader, organizer and chief, cook and bottle-washer for more than 130 young people. Factoring all that, the question that begged to be asked is why would a 75-year-old retiree, with a big family of her own, tackle a huge project like Jesus Cats?
“That’s an easy question to answer,” she said. “I’m 75 years old and I am going to go home to see Jesus a long time before these young people and I want to see all them again someday. That’s the answer, it’s just that simple.”
GG said she is not amazed at what has been accomplished but is amazed at the reaction, not only from those who have contributed financially and with labor but also with the reaction from droves of young people flocking to Jesus Cats.
“I am in awe of God every day and I praise God constantly so what has happened here really has not surprised me,” she said. “I am shocked, though, at the generosity of people and at the hearts of these kids. They love being here with me to hear about Jesus and that is amazing to me.”
And for anybody thinking she has hit her quota on the number of young people she teaches, think again!
“I want 1,000 kids coming through here, that’s what I’ve asked God for. He’s done everything else, so I just keep asking,” she said. “And I really believe that I am supposed to do this same type thing in Du Quoin. In fact, all I need is a building there and I will get it going.”
Jesus Cats hosts a variety of ages, with the youngest group being 3–5-year-olds and then all the way to college age students. She said she currently has 17 in her 3–5-year-old group.
“They know the 10 Commandments and they know the Lord’s Prayer and they know what it means, they just don’t memorize it. They are precious…all the kids are precious,” she said.
GG also picks a “Hero and Shero” of the month from the older high school age students, an award that is based on service. She has many in her high school group who also help with younger ages. And she has baptized several of the young people during the past year, with pictures of those moments filling several of the walls in the large Jesus Cats facility.
GG bristled at the mention of retirement and (as always) had a quick reply.
“There is nobody in the bible that ever retired,” she said. “If the Lord’s willing I plan on being around for quite a while longer. I tell these teenagers that I am going to be bee-bopping at their kids’ weddings.”
While she refuses to take any salary for her long weeks of work, she also refuses to accept any credit for the remarkable accomplishments that have taken place in a building that might have been best suited for the wrecking ball.
“All the glory of what has taken place here goes to God,” she said. “Who in the world am I, that I am so privileged and honored to share Jesus with these young people? Every one of these kids is going to do more for God than I have every done and I believe that. That’s the true blessing and reward in this for me.”
She said the young people that come to Jesus Cats are from all walks of life.
“Many of the kids that come through here are from difficult backgrounds, some are struggling, but I love them and God loves them and everybody is accepted at Jesus Cats,” she said.
She said it gives her great joy that Jesus Cats has broken down invisible barriers that sometimes puts young people in certain social circles.
“We have a great mix of kids, some are great athletes and from great families and then we also have kids that come from struggling families and they all work together and learn about Jesus together,” she said. “Every one of these kids welcomes everybody that comes here. That has been amazing to watch how that has all taken place. And I think that has been a plus and a blessing for everybody.”
GG was asked if she would label herself a minister, pastor or preacher?
“I don’t think I am any of those, I think I’m a shepherd,” she said. “Because all these young people that come to Jesus Cats, all of them, are my sheep. I care about every detail of these kids’ lives.”
When asked about how long she plans to keep up her work with young people, GG gave a short but an immediate answer.
“Until my last breath,” she said.
And those who know her the best know that’s the truth.
Here are some testimonials from some regulars that attend Jesus Cats.
Scout Hudgens
Jesus Cats has impacted my life in so many ways! I was one of the “OG” that came to Jesus Cats. I am so happy that GG is my grandma and I
know I can go to her for anything that goes on in my life. I am also glad that there is this building that everyone can come to and feel loved, just like I feel with GG. I’m proud that Jesus Cats came to our community, and I know it will get bigger and bigger!
Mya Wilson
I really enjoy going to Jesus cats. It is a fun way for kids to learn about God and hang out with friends. I was one of the first few
people to start going to Jesus Cats and it is just amazing to see the growth in people that have been reached through it. I hope to see even more people start coming. I think a lot of kids my age feels the same way and enjoy Jesus Cats.
Breanna Ourada
I started going to Jesus Cats the middle of my 8th grade year. I have always gone to church since I was little but I stopped going when I
got older. The overall place makes me feel accepted even with my past that comes along with me. GG made me feel as welcome as she could. Last April I got baptized by GG and it was an amazing experience. Jesus Cats feels like a second family and I am so glad I started going.
Briar Rowland
I think it is a great thing what GG is doing. Jesus Cats has helped a lot of us draw closer together as friends, and has helped us with our
walk with Jesus. GG has always told us how important our relationship with God is, and that all the glory is for him. Personally Jesus Cats has showed me that God will always be with me, not only in school, and in sports, but in life.
Layla Johnson
I believe that Jesus Cats has helped kids in many different ways. It is led by a very encouraging and outgoing leader, GG. She has been a
lot of help in so many people’s lives. Every Wednesday, she always has a new topic to teach us kids and to show other kids what Jesus is really all about. Jesus Cats has really made me think about my relationship with God and how I need to focus more on him. It is also a place where kids can always go and just talk about anything they need to talk about.
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