Here is a press release from Congressman Mike Bost (R- Murphysboro) dated February 1.

Joint Resolution of Disapproval Would Overturn Dept. of Interior Rule
Southern Illinoisan file photo

American coal Galatia Mine – Southern Illinoisan file photo

Washington, DC– U.S. Representative Mike Bost (IL-12) today voted to overturn the Department of the Interior’s (DOI) “Stream Buffer Rule,” which threatens jobs at coal mines and has virtually no environmental impact off-site.  Among many requirements, the rule requires a 100-foot buffer between coal mines and nearby streams, although DOI’s own reports show that almost all coal mines have no off-site impact, mines are being operated safely, and that lands are being restored successfully under existing state and federal regulations.  Bost was cosponsor of the legislation, H.J. Res. 38, which passed the House of a vote of 228-to-194 and now moves to the Senate for its consideration.

The resolution was passed by the House pursuant to the provisions of the Congressional Review Act, which allows Congress to overturn an agency’s rule if a joint resolution of disapproval is passed by both the House and Senate and is signed by the president.

“The Obama Administration’s anti-coal regulation was a solution in search of a problem. It wasn’t intended to protect the environment. It was intended to put our coal miners out of work. And sadly, it’s been successful at achieving that goal,” said Bost.  “If ever there was a time for Congress to act, this is it.”

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