Plane crash survivor talks about accident a year later

CARTERVILLE, IL – (Evie Allen – WSIL -TV.  Please click on link to read the full story.  Here is an excerpt)

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A Williamson County plane crash survivor recalls a terrifying day.

A flight instructor explains how he survived a deadly plane crash at the Williamson County Airport.

“The Lord has done absolute miracles. It was a miracle from the very beginning.” says Todd Greiner.

One year ago Saturday, Greiner took off with student John Alleman on a fateful flight.

“People don’t appreciate what the Lord has done unless they appreciate how bad things were,” says Greiner.

On June 10, 2016, around 4:30 p.m., fight instructor Todd Greiner took off for a training flight with long-time pilot and friend, John Alleman.

The two performed what he calls an “engine out” maneuver, when he says something went wrong.

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