MARION, IL– Today Governor Rauner issued a special session proclamation, ordering the Illinois General Assembly to return to Springfield to work on the budget impasse. State Representative Dave Severin (R-Benton) issued the following statement on the Governor’s decision.
“I applaud Governor Rauner for taking the initiative to call a special session and bring the General Assembly back to Springfield.” Severin said, “We adjourned at the end of May into a supposed ‘continuous session,’ and have been waiting to be called back into session by Speaker Madigan. The House has yet to meet since May 31st. This is an important action taken by the Governor, because there are only 17 days left in this fiscal year and we are running out of time. I look forward to getting back to work and bring Illinois a truly balanced budget with reforms to grow our economy.”
The special session will begin Wednesday June 21st and go through the end of June. Both chambers will be meeting every day until a balanced budget is passed.
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