Bost Statement on EPA’s Waters of the U.S. Withdrawal

From George O’ Connor, Communications Director for Congressman Mike Bost

U.S. Representative Mike Bost issued the following statement after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it would withdraw the controversial Obama-era Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule:

“Turning back WOTUS is a clear win for Southern Illinois’ hardworking farmers, ranchers, construction workers, and manufacturers. The Obama Administration’s WOTUS rule was a federal power grab of epic proportions, expanding EPA control to puddles, ditches and farmland ponds across America.  That’s why I have fought so hard to eliminate this misguided rule.  We must be good stewards of the environment, but we can do so without imposing crushing D.C. regulations that will put Southern Illinois’ economy at risk and impact millions of rural Americans.”

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