Bost Convenes Tax Reform Advisory Panel

from George O’Connor – Communications Director, Congressman Mike Bost

SHILOH, IL – U.S Representative Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro) organized a panel of Southern Illinois small business owners, manufacturers, and job creators at the Shiloh Community and Senior Center to receive local input before Congress considers tax reform legislation later this year.

“Panels like this allow me the opportunity to directly listen to local concerns and get feedback as to what we can be doing better in Washington to help grow jobs and the economy in Southern Illinois,” said Bost.” What I’m hearing is that we need a simpler, fairer tax code that works for families, small businesses, and individuals throughout our community. If we’re serious about strengthening the economy and growing jobs, it’s time to enact a plan that will level the playing field for American businesses by encouraging investment and job creation. Piecemeal efforts and carve outs are what have led to the current 70,000 page tax code. We need comprehensive, permanent tax reform, and we need it now.”

“In this highly competitive business climate, it’s incredibly important to work towards simplifying the tax code,” said David Keen, Business Development Director at SKC Enterprises, Inc. “I appreciate Congressman Bost asking for feedback from the local community that he can take back to Washington.”


In 1986, President Reagan signed into law the single largest tax reform in our nation’s history. Now—over three decades later—our tax code has once again become an excessive burden on middle-class families, Main Street job creators, and America’s economy. In 2017, Congress has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enact bold, pro-growth tax reform that will create jobs, grow paychecks, and unleash American competitiveness.

Read the blueprint for tax reform prepared by the House Ways & Means Committee HERE.

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