Bomb Threats at the Franklin and Williamson County courthouses this morning

by Steve Dunford

At 8:52 am Benton Firefighters were toned to the Franklin County Courthouse for a bomb threat.

Several emergency service agencies are on the scene at this time.

The public square is blocked off and NO ONE is allowed access to the square.  Please avoid the area.  We will provide further updates as they become available.

UPDATE 10:05 A.M.  I just spoke with the Williamson County Sheriffs Department.  The bomb threat that was called in applied to both the Franklin and Williamson county courthouses.  This was one call. Streets are being blocked off around the area of the courthouse in Marion.

I will continue to update further information and will provide links from other media sources with any additional information.  -Steve

UPDATE 11:20 A.M.  WSIL TV just released this story in the last few minutes.  It contains some new information.  The call was a 911 call that routed to the West Frankfort Police Department.  Since it could not be determined what county it was coming from, WFPD contacted both counties.  There is also a press release attached.  Please click on the link below for the story.

UPDATE 12:10 P.M.  WPSD-TV is reporting the all clear has been given for the Williamson County Courthouse, and they plan to reopen at 1:15 p.m.  In the last half hour, the bomb detection crew has arrived in Benton.  I will provide additional updates as information becomes available.

UPDATE 12:30 p.m. from Franklin County EMA Director, Ryan Buckingham

A bomb detection K-9 unit from the Department of Defense at Scott Air Force Base has arrived on scene at the Franklin County Courthouse and is currently clearing the building. Franklin County EMA personnel have cleared the roof top of the Courthouse and surrounding buildings using the agency’s unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Franklin County Sheriff Don Jones is on site coordinating with Federal and local agencies. Updates on the incident will be posted as new information becomes available. Citizens and motorist are encouraged to remain clear of the public square until operations have concluded.
Ryan M. Buckingham
Director of Emergency Management

UPDATE 1:15 PM from Franklin County Emergency Management

Franklin County Sheriff Don Jones has opened the Franklin County Courthouse and Public Square. Sheriff Jones would like to thank the public and the various agencies that responded to assist during this incident.


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