Micah and Danielle today
(Sarah Zagorski – Life News. Please click on the link above for the full story. Here is an excerpt below)
NOTE: When I was posting the release from Mike Bost about the coalition of Illinoiscongressman who had the statement about the veto of HB 40 in the house. There was a link to this story. I do not apologize for being pro-life. – Steve
On May 6, a study was published in The New England Journal of Medicine that reveals that more “micro preemies” are living outside the womb than doctors thought possible. Currently, a micro preemie is considered to be a baby born weighing less than 1 pound, 12 ounces or before 26-weeks.
According to the New York Times, the study found that some babies born at 22-weeks who receive advanced medical care have survived with few health problems. Additionally, researchers said that of the 755 born at 23 weeks, treatment was given to 542. Of those, about a third of those survived, and about half of the babies had no significant health problems.
For example, 22-week-old Micah Pickering (shown above) was born in 2012 and is now a fairly healthy toddler. His parents, Danielle and Clayton Pickering, chose to pursue treatment for their baby even though his health appeared grim. Danielle said, “We figured he was our baby, and he was what the Lord had given us, and we would just do everything we could.”
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