Washington, DC – The bipartisan Congressional Steel Caucus today announced that Representatives Mike Bost (R-IL) and Rick Crawford (R-AR) will lead the Congressional Steel Caucus as Co-Chairmen. Representative Pete Visclosky (D-IN) will continue to serve as Vice-Chairman of the caucus, which was founded in the early 1970s to promote the health of the domestic steel industry and its workforce.

“I am honored to serve as co-chair for the bipartisan Congressional Steel Caucus, where we’ve got a new platform to fight for our steelworkers and American-made jobs,” said Bost. “Steel is a backbone of the U.S. economy, generating 10,000 jobs in Illinois and nearly 140,000 nationwide. But these jobs are at risk due to global competitors who refuse to play by the rules. That’s why I’ve led the charge to strengthen our trade remedy laws and better ensure proper application of ‘Buy American’ preference laws, ensuring U.S. companies and workers have the tools to preserve jobs here at home. I’m excited to work with Republicans and Democrats on the caucus to provide real results for an industry that deserves it.”

Thomas J. Gibson, president and CEO of the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), today applauded the announcement of and Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro) as the new co-chairmen of the Congressional Steel Caucus:

“Congressman Bost has been a leader in the fight to level the playing field for domestic steelmakers. He lead the effort to enact the first improvements to our trade laws in more than 20 years, and has consistently stood up for American workers whose jobs are put at risk by global competitors who skirt trade laws. His long-standing commitment and dedication to steel has been key in promoting more fair competition for the American steel industry.

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