Bost, Steel Caucus Leaders Meet with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross

Washington, D.C. – Congressional Steel Caucus Chairman Mike Bost and other caucus leaders Tuesday met with U.S. Department of Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to discuss the ongoing Section 232 investigation assessing the impact of steel imports on our national security.


Rep. Bost discusses steel imports with Secretary Ross

“Secretary Ross and I had a frank discussion about the harm that unfair and illegal trade practices have done to our steel industry, like the idling of Granite City Works in Madison County,” said Bost. “I strongly urged Secretary Ross to conclude the investigation as soon as possible so action can be taken to protect the American steel industry. Secretary Ross assured me that the investigation will conclude very soon. We are on the same page that every day that goes by is another day that our steelworkers face unfair trade practices from countries like China.”


A Section 232 investigation is conducted by the Department of Commerce under the authority of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. The purpose of the investigation is to determine the effect of imports on America’s national security. In October of this year, Representative Bost led a letter from the Congressional Steel Caucus to President Trump in support of the ongoing Section 232 investigation.

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