Bryant E News – End of Year Review 2017

Dear Friend,

We have now come to the final edition of the Bryant E-News for 2017! What a year it has been in Illinois politics. This week I will share information on more than 200 new laws that will be on the books as of January 1, 2018. Please take the time to get informed on new laws for the New Year.

I also share links to all 34 previous Bryant E News editions from this year. It is truly an honor to serve as your State Representative in Springfield. Your readership of this online newsletter has exploded in the last two years. Since I first took office in 2015, press releases, pictures, video reactions, articles, and editions of Bryant E News, have been viewed over 150,000 times. (153,155) as of this morning to be exact!

I want my constituents to be informed on the major issues facing the State of Illinois. I am thrilled at the growth in our email newsletter list and the continued readership from so many of you. I pledge to continue keeping you up to date on all the happenings as the new legislative Session begins in January 2018.

To all my friends, family, and constituents, and to everyone in Illinois and across America, I wish you a safe, Happy, and healthy New Year!

NEW YEAR NEW LAWS – Get informed for 2018!
With the arrival of the new year comes a series of new laws enacted by the State of Illinois. This year, over 200 new laws will take effect on January 1. These include bills for small technical corrections as well as major pieces of legislation. Follow the link below for a recap of the new laws that will be on the books next year.

NEW YEAR NEW LAWS RECAP – Illinois House Republican Blog

For more information on all the bills in the General Assembly, please visit

There is one law in particular this year that I was the chief sponsor of that was signed into law that I want to highlight. That bill is HB 771, and you can find a synopsis and a record of action on the bill by following this link.

Rep. Bryant and Sen. Schimpf were named
“Honorary Fire Chiefs” in 2017 (From State Represenative Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro)

In Illinois, 70 percent of all firefighters are volunteers. This new law will allow a volunteer firefighter to purchase one set of tires for their vehicle every three years at a reduced price per the fire district’s joint purchasing agreement. The goal is to provide a little bit of help to the folks that volunteer to fight fires and keep us safe.

I’m particularly thankful to Senator Paul Schimpf for his advocacy and for sponsoring this bill in the Senate. This law is different than the others that are highlighted above because it became effective on September 8 of this year, the day it was signed by Governor Rauner.

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