FCA Daily Devotion – Sacrifices

Psalm 51:16-17
What attitudes are most respected and appreciated by your coaches and team leaders?  We’d probably list qualities like a strong work ethic, loyalty, teamwork, a willingness to sacrifice and more.  What do you suppose would be the attitude most respected by God?
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The writer of Psalm 51 answers that question very directly in verses 16 and 17, “You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.  The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.”
The writer has found that God’s not really impressed with the normal religious sacrifices.  Rather, God is very impressed with two primary attitudes.  A broken spirit and a contrite heart are of great value to Him.
Those attitudes would serve us well in our pursuit of excellence in sport.  A broken spirit is the very opposite of the arrogance so often seen in highly achieving people of sport.  A contrite heart is essential to maintaining good teamwork.  When one admits his failures or claims the fault for an error to his teammates, he’s exhibiting a contrite heart.
As you compete today, maintain a broken spirit and your attitude will win the hearts of your teammates.  Compete with a contrite heart and you’ll build loyalty and commitment in everyone.
Bible Reading Plan:
Psalms 58
Numbers 28-30

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