Franklin County Sheriff’s Report 9/29/17

The public is reminded that all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law

BENTON, IL – 9-22-17 at 3:02 pm a traffic stop in Benton led to the arrest of Stephen P. Castroage 26 of Carrier Mills on a Williamson County warrant for failing to appear on traffic charges.

9-23-17 at 5:32 am a traffic stop on ll. Rt. 14 west of Benton resulted in the arrest of Robert H. Obear age 42 of Pinckneyville for  driving under the influence of alcohol.

9-23-17 at 11:01 am a traffic stop in Benton resulted on the arrest of Brian S. Davis age 26 of Macedonia for driving while license suspended.

9-25-17 at 12:02 am Deputies responded to a domestic dispute that occurred in rural Thompsonville. The investigation resulted in the arrest of Wade A. Dial age 29 of Thompsonville for domestic battery.

9-26-17 at 8:50 pm Deputies responded to a reported suspicious person in a rural area near Buckner. The investigation resulted in the arrest of Tara L. Motsinger age 57 of Mulkeytown for battery.

9-27-17 at 1:53 am Deputies responded to a single vehicle traffic crash on Deering Road near Four Mile Lane. A 2009 Nissan driven by Scott M. Hargett age 31 of Benton was south bound on Deering Road at a high rate of speed when the driver lost control, traveled into a ditch and then struck a tree. A passenger, Krystal Jo Willis, age 26 of West Frankfort received major injuries and was transported to a local hospital by West Frankfort Fire EMS. The driver received minor injuries but refused medical treatment. The driver was ticketed for failure to reduce speed to avoid a crash.

9-29-17 at 12:28 am Deputies responded to a single vehicle traffic crash on Akin Blacktop 1/4 mile east of State Hwy. 34. A 2006 Chevrolet Equinox driven by Jerica L. Waters age 26 of Thompsonville lost control and crashed. She was uninjured and was arrested for driving under the influence. The crash is still under investigation.


9-22-17 Anthony W. Burke age 43 of Benton. Failure to appear for resisting a peace officer.

9-22-17 Joyce E. Gallagher age 37 of Carterville. Failure to appear for retail theft.

9-22-17 Sarah M. Hickman age 32 of Pittsburg. Failure to appear for resisting arrest.

9-23-17 Anthony M. Chadd age 57 of Thompsonville. Failure to appear on a charge failing to register as a sex offender.

9-25-17 Jennifer L. Wright age 46 of Murphysboro. Failure to appear on an intimidation charge.

9-25-17 Douglas K. Hearn age 31 of Johnston City. Failure to appear for domestic battery.

9-28-17 Jessica M. Orley age 30 of Buckner. Failure to appear for an I.D. theft charge.

-from Franklin County Sheriff, Don Jones

Death toll increased to 58….515 injured in Las Vegas shooting

Police officers stand at the scene of a shooting near the Mandalay Bay resort and casino on the Las Vegas Strip, Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017, in Las Vegas. Multiple victims were being transported to hospitals after a shooting late Sunday at a music festival on the Las Vegas Strip. (John Locher – Associated Press

LAS VEGAS, NV (Las Vegas Sun, Please click on the link for the full story.  Here is an excerpt below.

A shooting at a music festival on the Las Vegas Strip late Sunday has left more than 20 dead and 100 injured, authorities said.

The suspect has been neutralized, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said. ”Right now we believe its a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor,” he said.

“Its a devastating time,” the sheriff said.

UPDATE:  9:30 a.m.  Associated Press is reporting the Islamic State claims responsibility for the killings.

UPDATE 10:30 a.m.  The death toll has increased to 58.  The amount injured increased to 515.  President Trump will be visiting the area on Wednesday.  One of the biggest need in the area is blood.  The FBI stated there is no link to ISIS.

Update:  5:00 p.m. The death toll stands at 59. The amount injured is 529. They found several guns and explosives in the sniper’s home, with several rounds of ammunition. There are swat teams checking a house in Northern Nevada that the sniper owns.

UPDATE:  10;00 p.m.  The information is from a press conference by Las Vegas officials just after 9:00 p.m..  The death toll still stands at 59 and the number of injuries are still 529.  There were 23 guns in his room at the Mandalay Bay Hotel.  Authorities found 19 guns and the ammo was in the thousands.  The killer shot the hotel security guard on the 32nd floor of the hotel.  There is no word yet on his other home in Northern Nevada.  A deputy from the Clark County Sheriff’s office said this was the last press conference of the evening.


Severin Announces New Satellite Office Hours Schedule

He will be at the Benton Public Library October 11th

Marion, IL State Representative Dave Severin (R- Benton) has announced a new schedule for satellite office hours. The new schedule will take effect starting in October and will run through December. Rep. Severin’s staff will be available, throughout the district, three times a month at the following locations:

Anne West Lindsey Library, in Carterville, on the first Wednesday of every month

Benton Public Library, on the second Wednesday of every month


McCoy Memorial Library in McLeansboro, on the third Wednesday of every month.

Rep. Severin knows the Marion district office is not necessarily convenient for everyone, so his office hosts these office hours to make the office’s services more readily available to everyone. Those that have constituent issues, opinions, or questions are encouraged to visit one of these office hours. Staff from the Illinois Comptroller’s office will also be available to answer any questions you may have for them.

The first Satellite office hours will be held Wednesday October 4th at Anne West Lindsey Library (N Division St. & Bryan Ave. Carterville, IL 62918) from Noon to 3:00 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Rep. Severin’s District Office at (618) 440-5090 or through the contact form on his website at

Illinois Awarded Grant to Support Small Business Exports

Press Release From the Illinois Department of Economic Opportunity

CHICAGO, IL – The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity today announced the Office of Trade and Investment (OTI) received a grant from the State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) grant awarded by the Small Business Administration (SBA). The $890,000 in federal funds will support export growth among Illinois small businesses. Since 2011, the State of Illinois has received a total of $4.8 million in STEP funding from the SBA.

“In our increasingly global economy, companies looking to grow need to look beyond domestic markets,” Department of Commerce Director Sean McCarthy said. “Less than one percent of U.S. companies currently export, making foreign markets a huge growth opportunity for Illinois small businesses. STEP will allow the Illinois Department of Commerce to continue to help Illinois companies explore new markets and grow their businesses abroad and at home.”

Illinois’ State Trade and Export Promotion (ISTEP) program provides small businesses with financial and technical assistance to increase exports. Eligible companies may participate in group trade missions, individual sales missions, receive assistance for product compliance, prepare international marketing campaigns and participate in general export education.

“The federal award will be invested into OTI’s ISTEP program during the state’s 2018 fiscal year (FY18) to proactively assist more Illinois businesses enter and expand to new international markets” said Margo Markopoulos, director of OTI.

Illinois is the largest exporting state in the Midwest, and the fifth largest exporting state in the country. Illinois companies reported exports of over $59.7 billion in 2016.

For companies interested in expanding their global footprint, OTI coordinates participation at international trade shows for a variety of industries, from life sciences and medicine, to green technology, manufacturing and mining.

The ISTEP program is highly competitive. Applications are accepted throughout the year and are considered on a rolling basis. For more information about trade missions and other resources available through the State of Illinois’ Office of Trade and Investment, please visit

Governor Rauner Encourages Donations for Hurricane Survivors

Links to trusted charitable, volunteer organizations available

CHICAGO (Sept. 27, 2017) – Governor Bruce Rauner and Lieutenant Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti today encouraged Illinois residents to help the millions of Americans struggling to recover from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria by donating money or time to trusted voluntary, faith-and-community-based charitable organizations.

“Mother Nature has devastated Puerto Rico, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, the U.S. Virgin Islands. As we’ve seen whenever disaster strikes in Illinois, people are eager to help in any way possible,” Gov. Rauner said. “Now, it’s time for us to show that compassion and generosity to help our fellow Americans who have been devastated by hurricanes. We know recovery will take months, even years, so we ask you to please open your hearts to help those struggling to recover.”

Rauner directed people to the website that directs them to a list of organizations where they can donate.

“Many organizations have already been vetted by the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, so you can be assured that your donations to these groups will go where help is truly needed,” said James K. Joseph, director of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency. “Volunteers should never self-deploy to a disaster site. Anyone seeking an opportunity to get involved in response and recovery operations is encouraged to volunteer with local and nationally known organizations, such as those vetted by the National VOAD,” he added.

People are advised against donating unsolicited goods, such as used clothing or household items, since they may not meet the needs of those affected. They are encouraged to make financial donations to the organizations. “This allows these reputable organizations to obtain needed resources nearer to the disaster location and more efficiently manage logistics and transportation costs related to moving large volumes of donated items,” added Lt. Governor Sanguinetti.

“Your support now and in the future, will help many Americans in their time of need,” said Gov. Rauner

Bost Statement on Framework for Tax Reform

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Mike Bost (IL-12) issued the following statement after House Republicans released today its framework for tax reform:

“I’ve collected feedback from my constituents about what we can be doing better in Washington to help grow jobs and the economy in Southern Illinois,” said Bost. “And what I’ve consistently heard is that we need a simpler, fairer tax code that works for families, small businesses, and job creators alike. The plan released today will create opportunities for hardworking Americans by broadening the tax base, closing special interest loopholes, and growing the economy. The time is now to enact a plan that will level the playing field for American businesses by encouraging investment and job creation.”


Lowers Rates for Individuals and Families – The framework shrinks the current seven tax brackets into three – 12%, 25% and 35% – with the potential for an additional top rate for the highest-income taxpayers to ensure that the wealthy do not contribute a lower share of taxes paid than they do today.

Doubles the Standard Deduction and Enhances the Child Tax Credit – The framework roughly doubles the standard deduction so that typical middle-class families will keep more of their paycheck. It also significantly increases the Child Tax Credit.

Eliminates Loopholes for the Wealthy, Protects Bedrock Provisions for Middle Class – To provide simplicity and fairness the framework eliminates many itemized deductions that are primarily used by the wealthy, but retains tax incentives for home mortgage interest and charitable contributions, as well as tax incentives for work, higher education, and retirement security.

Repeals the Death Tax and Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) – The framework repeals the unfair Death Tax and substantially simplifies the tax code by repealing the existing individual AMT, which requires taxpayers to do their taxes twice.
Creates a New Lower Tax Rate and Structure for Small Businesses The framework limits the maximum tax rate for small and family-owned businesses to 25% – significantly lower than the top rate that these businesses pay today.

To Create Jobs and Promote Competitiveness, Lowers the Corporate Tax Rate – So that America can compete on level playing field, the framework reduces the corporate tax rate to 20% – below the 22.5% average of the industrialized world.

To Boost the Economy, Allows “Expensing” of Capital Investments – The framework allows, for at least five years, businesses to immediately write off (or “expense”) the cost of new investments, giving a much-needed lift to the economy.

Moves to an American Model for Competitiveness – The framework ends the perverse incentive to offshore jobs and keep foreign profits overseas. It levels the playing field for American companies and workers.

Brings Profits Back Home – The framework brings home profits by imposing a one-time, low tax rate on wealth that has already accumulated overseas so there is no tax incentive to keeping the money offshore.

Severin – Bryant issue statments against Gov. Rauner signing HB 40 into law

The Following Statement is from State Representative Dave Severin (R – Benton) 

“I consider myself to be pro-life before an elected official, a Republican, or anything else, which is why I voted against House Bill 40 and co-sponsored House Resolution 620 encouraging the Governor to veto House Bill 40. I am extremely disappointed by today’s action to expand access to abortions and put tax payers on the hook for those expenses. Protecting the sanctity of life is my guiding principle and I will continue to fight for our shared values.”

Bryant: Rauner is Wrong to Endorse Taxpayer Funded Abortion

Murphysboro -.State Representative Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro) issued the following statement on Thursday, after Governor Rauner announced that he will sign HB 40 into law.

“By announcing his intention to sign HB 40, the Governor will make taxpayer funding of abortion at any time for any reason the law of the land in Illinois. This news is both surprising and highly disappointing.

During a meeting last spring in the Capitol, I and many of my House Republican colleagues were given personal assurances by Governor Rauner that he would veto HB 40 if it ever reached his desk. So, today’s announcement is a direct contradiction to what I was previously told by both the Governor and his staff.

The proponents of HB 40 and the supporters of this law do not share the same value set that I do. I believe life begins at conception and that no one has a right to take that life. The sanctity of life is the ideal I hold most dear as a Christian, a mother, a grandmother, and as a public official.

Protecting the life of the unborn should be the number one moral imperative that we have as a society. Instead, the law in my beloved State of Illinois will be changed to allow elective abortion procedures, including the abhorrent and sickening practice of partial birth abortion, and the Governor’s announcement today puts all Illinois taxpayers on the hook to pick up the tab.”

Area departments fighting field fire in Buckner

by Steve Dunford

BUCKNER, IL –  There is a field fire endangering structures in the 500 block of South Janette Street in Buckner.  Zeigler, Christopher, and Coello Fire Departments are providing mutual aid.

At least through the weekend, there is a danger of field fires.  The current humidity is 41% with a dew point of 50.  With dry vegetation as well, burning is not advised.  To the best of my knowledge there is not any burn bans in effect in any communities.

If any communities issue burn bans, we will share that information as soon as possible.

Lane reduction on Northbound I-57 starting Monday evening at Franklin/Jefferson Co. line

Press Release from the Illinois Department of Transportation, District 9 – Carbondale

U.S. Supreme Court to Consider Union Fair-Share Case

Press Release from the office of Governor Bruce Rauner

Chicago, IL-Today the United States Supreme Court took an important first step toward ending the unconstitutional practice of dipping into the paychecks of hardworking State employees and forcing them to pay into the union coffers, even if they are not members of the union.

“No person should be forced to give up a portion of their pay each month to fund public sector union activity against their will,” said Governor Bruce Rauner. “It’s a fundamental violation of their First Amendment right to free speech and association. I am hopeful the Court will see it that way in the end.”

The Court has questioned this practice twice in the past five years. Most recently in June of 2016, when it split 4-4, following the death of Justice Scalia. By granting certiorari in Janus v. AFSCME today, the Court is again indicating that it’s concerned about the constitutional implications of forcing non-union members to fund union activities.

Governor Rauner’s Administration has been a leader in protecting the free speech and free association rights of State employees since taking office. These efforts began with Executive Order 2015-13, which directed state agencies to comply with the First Amendment and formed the initial impetus for the Janus case. While the Administration is no longer a party to the litigation, it is pleased to know the Supreme Court has recognized the issues warrant careful consideration. The Court has agreed to resolve this question by the time its current session ends, next June.

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