Transparency initiative would end long-standing practice of “offshoring” Governor staff salaries to state agencies to mask the Governor’s budget


SPRINGFIELD — Illinois Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza joined State Senator Andy Manar, D-Bunker Hill, State Representative Christian Mitchell, D-Chicago, State Representative David McSweeney, R-Barrington Hills, and State Representative Greg Harris, D-Chicago, Thursday to introduce the “Truth in Hiring” Act to bring all “offshored” employees of the Governor’s office back into the Governor’s budget.

For too long, Illinois governors – Democratic and Republican – have engaged in the deceptive practice of “offshoring.” The expression comes from the practice of rich people hiding their assets in offshore accounts, in tax havens like the Cayman Islands or Panama, to avoid paying taxes on them.

Illinois governors “offshore” their employees’ salaries to other agencies — for example, paying an education advisor $250,000 from the Department of Human Services; or a deputy chief of staff $140,000 from the Illinois State Police’s budget — to mask the true size of the Governor’s budget.

The most recent payroll shows only 44 of Governor Rauner’s staffers are actually paid from the Governor’s budget. MOST of his staff – 58 people – are hidden in other agency payrolls. If the Governor were honestly reporting all the people working in his office, he would have to disclose his office budget is more than $10 million, instead of the $4.9 million that is budgeted for the current fiscal year.

“That’s more than $5 million being secretly taken away from agencies that need it, like the Department of Children and Family Services that investigates child abuse; or the Department of Aging that cares for Illinois’ seniors,” Comptroller Mendoza said. “This ill-advised practice is silently siphoning money from health care, environmental protection, juvenile justice, economic development and public safety.”

The Truth in Hiring Act, (HB5121; SB3233) simply says that if an employee works in the Governor’s office, they will be paid from the Governor’s payroll. Their salary will be counted in the Governor’s budget. Their salary will not be pulled from agencies that are supposed to protect the most vulnerable or put state troopers on the highways.

“Offshoring is wrong. It was wrong when Governor Quinn did it. It was wrong when Governor Blagojevich did it. It was wrong when Governor Ryan did it. And it’s still wrong when Governor Rauner does it,” Comptroller Mendoza said. “This deceptive practice needs to stop.”

“Every time a governor shifts a new, unexpected six-figure salary onto a state agency’s plate, dollars that had been prioritized for important purposes – economic development, senior services and child protection, to name a few – are being diverted to a paycheck instead,” Senator Manar said. “Governors should understand the importance of being transparent about their expenses. Taxpayers who foot the bill for government, and frankly the lawmakers who determine the appropriations for state agencies, deserve that accountability.”

“This practice subverts the appropriations process. It takes money away from state agencies that protect children, the environment and public safety,” Representative Mitchell said. “This governor, and any future governors, should present the true cost of their staff in their office’s budget and make the case for why they need that level of funding.”

To be clear, this initiative is not intended to criticize employees who have found themselves offshored. In many cases they accepted jobs with the governor’s office not knowing their salaries would be offshored to other agencies.

This initiative follows Comptroller Mendoza’s Debt Transparency Act, which passed last year with unanimous or near-unanimous overrides. The state is already seeing the benefits of that reform as legislators on both sides of the aisle have more up-to-date numbers to craft a budget with and regular citizens have a clearer picture of the state’s finances.


By Marcia Raubach 

2017 Princess Flame Lexie Tourville

WEST FRANKFORT – Applications are being accepted for all 2018 Old King Coal festival Princess Flame Pageants.

Princess Flame Scholarship Pageant contestants must be between 17-24 years old as of April 1, 2018. Each contestant will be judged based on swimsuit, evening gown, interview and on-stage question. The 2018 Princess Flame will receive a $2,500 scholarship, flowers, crown, sash and trophy. The 1st runner up will receive a $1,000 scholarship, 2nd runner up will receive a $500 scholarship.

Other pageant categories are: Pre-Teen Princess Flame ages 8-12 and Teen Princess Flame ages 13-16 years old. Each contestant will compete in interview, casual wear, formal wear and on-stage question. Each winner will receive a tiara, sash and trophy.

Pageants are open to all Southern Illinois girls and will be held on Saturday, April 21, 2018 beginning at 7PM at the West Frankfort Community High School auditorium in West Frankfort. There is a $110 entry fee for Princess Flame and $60 entry fee for all other age groups if application is received by the March 20, 2018 deadline. All entries received after the deadline will require a $175 late registration fee for Princes Flame and $80 late registration fee for all other categories. All late applications must be post marked on or before March 31, 2018.

For applications for the Princess Flame Scholarship pageant and a complete lineup of all the events happening during the 2018 Old King Coal Festival go to

Agenda for the Rend Lake College Board of Trustee’s meeting


March 13, 2018, 6:30 PM

Rend Lake College

468 N Ken Gray Parkway

Ina, IL 62846


I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. General Information

A. Announcements

1. Tuesday, March 20, 2018 Transition Summit Rend Lake College, Ina Campus

2. Tuesday, March 20, 2018; 5:15pm Campus Wide Advisory Council Meetings James “Hummer” Waugh Gymnasium

3. Thursday – Friday, March 22 – 23, 2018 Kickstart Your Journey RLC Campus

4. Wednesday, March 28, 2018; 5:30pm Southeast Region Trustees Meeting Rend Lake College

5. April 5-7 @ 7pm nightly, April 8 @ 2pm Spring Musical: The Addams Family Rend Lake College Theatre

6. Thursday – Monday, April 5 – 9, 2018 HLC 2018 Annual Conference Hyatt Regency Chicago

7. Thursday, April 12, 2018; 3:00 – 6:00 pm Job Search Party Mt. Vernon Hotel and Event Center

8. Thursday, April 12, 2018 6:00pm Doors Open / 7:00pm Trivia Begins Trivia Night The REC

9. Thursday, April 19, 2018; 2:00pm Phi Theta Kappa Induction Rend Lake College Theatre

10. Thursday, April 19, 2018; 5:00pm Lake Reception King City Books, Mt. Vernon

11. Thursday, April 26, 2018 Children’s Health Fair The REC

12. Thursday-Friday, April 26-27, 2018;10a &1p Flummoxed Fairytales Rend Lake College Theatre

13. Sunday, April 29, 2018; 3:00pm Music Showcase Rend Lake College Theatre

14. Thursday, May 3, 2018; 7:00pm Spring Concert Rend Lake College Theatre

15. Tuesday, May 8, 2018; 3:00 – 5:00pm Annual Board/Faculty/Staff Awards Rend Lake College Theater

16. Thursday, May 10, 2018; 1:00pm RAD Tech Pinning Ceremony Private Dining Room

17. Thursday, May 10, 2018; 7:00pm ADN Pinning Ceremony James “Hummer” Waugh Gymnasium

18. Saturday, May 12, 2018 10:00am and 1:00pm Rend Lake College Commencement James “Hummer” Waugh Gymnasium

B. Student Trustee Election Report – TO BE PROVIDED

IV. Closed Session – The Board may go into closed session pursuant to Section 2(c)(1)(2)(11)(21) of the Open Meetings Act.

Subsection (1) appointment, employment, and compensation of specific employees; (2) collective negotiating matters; (11) litigation; (21) approval of meeting minutes.

V. Resume Open Meeting

VI. Approval of Consent Agenda

VII. Approval of Minutes of the: 02 * February 13, 2018 Board of Trustees Meeting;* * February 13, 2018 Board of Trustees Executive Session*

VIII. New Business

13 * A. Approval of Revisions to Rend Lake College Board Policy & Procedure 2.1510 – Social Media (Second Reading)

15 * B. Course / Curriculum Approvals

21 * C. Approval of Revisions to Job Descriptions

24 D. Approval of Revisions to Rend Lake College Board Policy & Procedure 4.1210 – Alcohol and Drug Policy (First Reading) and Authorize Signature to Agreement with First Advantage

E. Acceptance of Bids to Replace Administration Roof, and Various Gutter Replacements Across Campus (TO BE PROVIDED)

30 F. Approval of Program Articulation Agreement Between Rend Lake College, District #521 and Southern Illinois University Carbondale, College of Applied Sciences and Arts, School of Allied Health

40 G. Ratify the Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between Indiana Wesleyan University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree Program (RNBSN) and Rend Lake College, District #521

46 H. Ratify the Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between Rend Lake College, District #521 and McKendree University Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing

IX. Personnel

54 * A. Approval of Renewal of President’s Contract (Second Reading)

69 B. Ratify the Acceptance of Resignation of Health Information Technology Program Director

72 C. Ratify Transfer from Report Writer to Coordinator of Data Information Systems and Revise Job Description

74 D. Create the Position and Job Description, and Advertise for HSSSC / Information Technology Help Desk Support Technician

76 E. Create the Position and Job Description, and Advertise for Student Success Coordinator

79 F. Appointment of Police Officer

G. Appointment of Police Officer (TO BE PROVIDED)

X. Financial Information 82 A. Ratification of the Payment of College Expenses including Travel Expense Reimbursements


XI. Reports

1. Academic Council

2. ICCTA Representative

3. Rend Lake College Foundation

4. Accreditation Report

XII. Public Comment

XIII. President’s Comments

XIV. Adjournment

Toys ‘R’ Us Considers Closing All of Its U.S. Stores

Sources say the toy chain, which filed for bankruptcy protection in September, is evaluating bids to liquidate the locations


Reuters News Service

Troubled toy chain Toys “R” Us Inc. is preparing to liquidate all of its U.S. stores and abandon efforts to restructure through the bankruptcy process, people familiar with the matter said, after a weak holiday season torpedoed plans to reorganize.

The big box retailer filed for chapter 11 protection in September with the hopes of reorganizing its roughly $5 billion debt load, revamping its stores and operations, and continuing as a mainstay toy business.

The company recently announced plans to close 184 stores, or about 20% of its roughly 800 U.S. stores, as it worked with creditors to restructure its debts. But now it is now evaluating bids to liquidate the remainder of its U.S. locations, the people said.

Please click on the link below for the full story from the Wall Street Journal.

Here is a timeline of the chain’s history from USA-Today.

Decatur man arrested by Benton PD on meth charges after accident investigation

BENTON – The public is reminded the alleged is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.

On March 9th, 2018 Benton Police were dispatched to the 100 block of Joplin Street in reference to a traffic crash.  Upon investigating, police arrested Ryan Cornell, age 20, of Decatur, IL for driving while license suspended. Police also arrested Madison M. Scurlock, age 20, of Decatur, IL for unlawful possession of methamphetamine subsequent to a vehicle search after Benton Police K9 “Ranger” alerted to the odor of illegal narcotics in the car.  Both Cornell and Scurlock were transported to the Franklin County Jail for further processing.

WSIL – TV’s transmitter is down

CARTERVILLE –  Channel 3 has reported their transmitter is down.

This affects over the air, and all subscribers with the exception of Dish Network and Mediacom.

I know it is Grey’s Anatomy night.  You can pick up ABC programming on

The station apologizes for any inconvenience, and will be back on the air shortly.

State Fire Marshal Reminds Illinoisans to Change Your Clock, Change Your Batteries

Spring into Action this Sunday to Change and Test the Batteries in Your Smoke Alarm

CHICAGO – Clocks are springing forward one hour this weekend and the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) is urging Illinoisans to take a few extra minutes to change and test the batteries in their smoke alarms.

“Daylight Savings Time is a great built-in reminder for us all to check that our smoke alarms are working in case of emergency,” said State Fire Marshal Matt Perez.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reports that between 2009 and 2013 three in five home fire deaths occurred in homes that either did not have smoke alarms or the alarms did not work. More than half of the non-working smoke alarms either had missing or disconnected batteries. Dead batteries caused nearly a quarter of smoke alarm failures.

Illinois law requires every household to have smoke alarms within 15 feet of every bedroom and at least one alarm on each floor of the home.

The NFPA provides the following tips for installation and maintenance of smoke alarms:

• Install alarms close to each sleeping area of the house and on every level of the house. Ensure that the alarms are interconnected so when one sounds, they all do.
• Change alarm batteries at least twice a year. Daylight Savings Time is a reminder to “Change your Clock, Change your Batteries.”
• Test alarms at least once a month.
• Replace all smoke alarms when they are ten years old.
• Closed doors may slow the spread of smoke.
• Smoke alarms should be a part of a larger home escape plan for emergencies. Visit the NFPA website for more information on home escape planning.

Daylight Savings Time is this Sunday, March 11.

For more information on fire safety and prevention, please visit OSFM’s website.

Bost, Committee Members Introduce Bill to Prevent VA Purchase Card Misuse

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro), along with a bipartisan group of House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs members introduced legislation to prevent misuse of VA’s purchase cards.

“This vitally important legislation not only punishes bad actors at the VA who misuse funds, but also will prevent future misuse of taxpayer dollars,” said Bost. “We can’t always predict bad behavior, but we can put in place systems that lessen taxpayer exposure to it.”

The Veterans Affairs Purchase Card Misuse Mitigation Act

The Veterans Affairs Purchase Card Misuse Mitigation Act would prevent misuse of purchase card spending by requiring the VA Secretary to revoke the purchase card from any employee who is found to have knowingly misused their card or approval authority. This safeguard would prevent further misuse of government funds while existing penalties, ranging from suspension to demotion to removal, are considered for the wrongdoer. Click here for more information. Read the bill here.

Jimmy “The Cat” Hayes enters local politics

Cardinal Pitcher Adam Wainwright being interviewed by “The Cat” St, Louis insider photo.

CRYSTAL LAKE PARK, MO – Looks like Cardinal sportscaster Jim Hayes plans to add some color commentary to a Crystal Lake Park alderman race.

The 55-year-old Fox Sports Midwest reporter, best known for his dispatches during Cardinals baseball games, is running for First Ward alderman in the small West County municipality, according to information Hayes filed with the Post-Dispatch voters guide.

Crystal Park Lake is between Frontenac, Town and County and Des Peres. It has about 470 residents.

Please Click on the link from Joe Holleman of the St. Louis Post Dispatch

Today’s Challenge, Tomorrow’s Reward: Creating Opportunity for Female- and Minority-Owned Businesses

Conference helps small firms grow through skill-building, networking


SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Department of Transportation will host Today’s Challenge, Tomorrow’s Reward on March 19 and 20 at the President Abraham Lincoln Springfield Hotel and Bank of Springfield Center. The two-day conference provides female- and minority-owned businesses with opportunities to make connections and develop skills to increase their competitiveness.

“Building a high-quality, diverse workforce strengthens the Illinois economy and promotes more competition on state projects,” said Gov. Bruce Rauner. “Getting our small business owners the tools they need to succeed is a small investment that pays off for years to come.”

The annual conference, presented by IDOT’s Office of Business and Workforce Diversity, offers workshops, seminars on best practices, and networking opportunities for firms and contractors wanting to do business with the state through the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program.

Topics covered will include: advanced financing, work category expansion, the Highway Construction Careers Training Program, erosion control, small businesses and tax plan changes, subcontractor payment tracking, changes to the supportive services program, labor agreements, marketing strategies and more. A special awards presentation will conclude the conference.

“The Illinois Department of Transportation is committed to making diversity a priority,” said Illinois Transportation Secretary Randy Blankenhorn. “Today’s Challenge, Tomorrow’s Reward  was designed to foster a more inclusive business environment by helping disadvantaged businesses grow through networking and skill-building sessions, enabling them to more effectively compete for state projects.”

The event is well attended by subcontractors and prime contractors in construction, trucking, engineering and other consulting services. Click here for registration information and other event details.

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