RLC’s Paolina Marlo and Raquel Minor receive Phi Theta Kappa All-USA Nominations

INA, Ill. — Due to their high academic achievement, a pair of Rend Lake College students have been selected as Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) All-USA nominees.

Sophomores Paolina Marlo of Sesser and Raquel Minor of Mt. Vernon will represent RLC’s Rho Xi chapter at the Illinois PTK banquet April 14 in Springfield. Nominees from around the state will be recognized at the banquet and finalists will receive a scholarship and spot on the All-USA Community College Academic Team.

Marlo, a biological science major, said she joined Phi Theta Kappa for the chance to take on new experiences and for the scholarship opportunities. The nomination came as a surprise, she said.

“I was shocked that I was in the All-Illinois selection and very honored to be able to represent Rend Lake College,” Marlo said. “I am looking forward to being able to represent RLC the best I can along with meeting other members of PTK that are on the same journey as I am. I am excited to gain insight into the world of PTK society.”

Marlo, a graduate of Sesser-Valier High School, said she plans on transferring to the University of Illinois at Chicago to continue studies in biological science with a concentration on evolution, ecology and environmental biology. She is pursuing a career in wildlife research and conservation. The daughter of David and Cathy Marlo, she is also a member of the National Society of Leadership Success and has made the President’s list of academic honors at RLC.

Minor, a pre-veterinary medicine major, said she joined Phi Theta Kappa for the added experience the honor society offers. She said the nomination helps bolster that decision.

“I was very excited to be chosen to represent Rend Lake because it has been a great starting place in my education career with lots of support from the professors,” Minor said. “I am looking forward to meeting other PTK members from around the state because it will be my first PTK event.”

Minor, a graduate of Mt. Vernon Township High School, plans on continuing her education in animal science at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale before transferring to the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. She plans for a career as a large animal veterinarian. The daughter of Stacie Chambliss and Mike Minor, she is also a member of RLC’s AmeriCorps chapter and has made the President’s list of academic honors.

To learn more about Phi Theta Kappa at RLC, contact Director of Academic Advisement and PTK Advisor Jena Jensik at 618-437-5321, Ext. 1293 or jensikj@rlc.edu.

Illinois sheriffs say new policy ‘aids and abets’ undocumented immigrants released after felony convictions

SPRINGFIELD — Sheriffs and Republican state lawmakers are calling on Gov. J.B. Pritzker to scrap a new policy that they say prohibits communication between state, federal and local law enforcement agencies when an undocumented immigrant is released from a state prison after serving a felony sentence.

Here’s a link to the story at the Southern Illinoisan.

Pritzker backs Cairo port project championed by Sen. Fowler, earmarks $40 million in capital budget

SPRINGFIELD — Governor JB Pritzker said Wednesday that he is backing the development of a multimillion-dollar river port in Cairo, at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers.

Here’s a link to the story at the Southern Illinoisan.

Advocates rally to end cash bail in Illinois

SPRINGFIELD — Criminal justice reform advocates rallied Tuesday at the Statehouse in hopes of making Illinois one of only a handful of states to eliminate cash bail in all or most criminal cases.

Here’s a link to the story at the Southern Illinoisan.

Bipartisan push would repeal Illinois car trade-in tax

A bipartisan group of Illinois lawmakers has gotten behind a proposal to repeal the state’s new car trade-in tax and replace it with a different fee structure.

Here’s a link to the story at Illinois News Network.

Report: Illinois has second-highest property taxes in nation

It may not come as a surprise to residents that a new report again found Illinois’ property taxes were the second-highest in the nation, but the debate about how to address the problem continues, including among members of the Illinois Property Tax Relief Task Force.

Here’s the link to the story at Illinois News Network.

Pritzker says wiretapped calls with Blagojevich in 2008 have ‘nothing to do with where we are today’

Gov. J.B. Pritzker said Thursday the secretly-recorded conversations he had with then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich in 2008 have no bearing on his efforts to fight corruption in Illinois.

Here’s a link to the story at Illinois News Network.

Woman is dead, gunman wounded after shooting at Maryland Heights Community Center

MARYLAND HEIGHTS — A gunman walked into the Maryland Heights Community Center Monday night and began shooting, a witness said.

Here’s a link to the story at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Recreational marijuana sales in Illinois generated more than $10 million in tax revenue in January

Recreational marijuana sales in Illinois generated more than $10 million in tax revenue in January, putting the state on track to surpass Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s budget estimates.

Here’s a link to the story at the Chicago Tribune.

Old King Coal Festival seeking nominations for 2020 Old King Coal

Steve Sawalich, President of the southern Illinois Old King Coal Festival announced nominations are being accepted for the 2020 Old King Coal. Old King Coal will reign over this year’s festival which will be held May 7th thru the 9th in down
town West Frankfort.

This honor is bestowed annually to a deserving coal miner. All living Southern Illinois miners are eligible, regardless of age or number of years they have worked in the mines. Nomination forms can be downloaded from the festival website at www.oldkingcoalfestival.org. Forms are also available at the water office at West Frankfort City Hall, West Frankfort Chamber of Commerce or Advanced Hearing Center in the West Frankfort Outlet Mall. Nominations can be mailed to Old King Coal Festival, P.O. Box 242, West Frankfort, Illinois 62896. Deadline to submit a nomination is Monday, March 16, 2020. Old King Coal will be crowned during the Old King Coal Festival Princess Flame Scholarship Pageant on Saturday, April 4th to be held at Paschedag Auditorium at Frankfort Community High School in West Frankfort.

The 2020 Old King Coal Festival kicks off Thursday May 7th with bargain night on the midway. There is free entertainment each evening on the main stage. Other events include the Coal Miners Memorial Service and Grand Parade. For a complete schedule of all events or to download nomination forms for Old King Coal and entry forms for the Princess Flame Scholarship pageant go to www.oldkingcoalfestival.org.

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