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Benton, West Frankfort, Illinois News | Franklin County News
Newspaper covering Franklin County, Illinois
There was a huge slate of candidates, and I must say very well qualified candidates, for the Frankfort Community District #168 school board. Incumbents Mary Moreland, Geroge Karoski and Barbara Glodich were defeated in Tuesday’s school board election.
There was a head to head competition two fill the remainder of a two year term. Keith Griffith defeated Amy Durfee with 1134 votes to 705.
There were nine running for the four remaining full terms that were open on the board. Retired Special Education teacher and administrator Gayle Crawford received the most votes with 1,183. Attorney Warren Campbell Brown was second with 1,013. Jon Alexander received 992, and Amanda Tinsley was the last that was elected with 695.
The ones who where not elected had the following votes: Karsoki 668, Sue Forgatch 649, Glodich 633, Moreland 446, and Shannone Steinberger 188.
In the Benton High School District 103 Board race; Whittington Church pastor Mark Minor was the top vote getter with 1,882, dentist Robin LaBuwi 1,636, newcomer to the board Mark Franklin was elected with 1,314 votes. Ronald Slayton was defeated with 704 votes.
In the Benton Grade School District 47 Board race, former BCHS principal Gary Messersmith received the most votes with 991. The other three elected were Brad Wilson 893, Lex Stewart 882, and Derek Stowers 792. Norman Carlile with 728 votes, W. Scott Rice with 679, and Ron Winemiller with 647 votes rounded out the field.
Darren Fletcher (340 votes), Craig Zinzileta (322), Jacob Page (318), and Tommy G. Harmon (267) were elected to the Ewing-Northern grade school board. Susan Shelton was not chosen with 231 votes.
In the Thompsonville Unit District 174 School Board race (Hamilton County Numbers included), Krista McFarland Shelby received the most votes with 193, Natalie Dixon 166, and Michael Miller was also elected with 159. John Bush was defeated with 113 votes.
In the Christopher Unit 99 School Board race, Charles Mazur (505 votes), Angela Basolo-Bond (493) and Susan Raben (387) were elected. Steve Marlow received 335 votes and Angie Montegia 310.
The school board races in the Sesser-Vailer and Akin school districts were uncontested. The final Zeigler-Royalton numbers will be posted at a later date.
In the results of the Franklin County Consolidated Election yesterday, incumbent Sesser Mayor Jason Ashmore was elected to serve another four years in a landslide over his challenger Glen Gulley. Ashmore of the Citizens Welfare Party had 559 votes to the challenger Glenn Gulley who had 121 votes.
The Citizens Welfare Party also won all the Ward races in the city In Ward 1 Dana Laur defeated Barry Ramey 88 to 49, In Ward 2, Richard Lee Miller defeated Jeff Harmon 172 to 97, and in Ward 3, Alan Wayne Shannon defeated Edie Hawk 172 to 64.
Martin Buchanan has been elected to another term as village president of Valier. Buchanan has held the post since the 1960’s. He is the longest standing mayor in the state other than to Marion mayor Robert Butler. Buchanan received 180 votes to his challenger Joe Canup 131. Gale Burzynski, Michael Moyers and Bruce McMurray were elected to the Valier village board. Burzynski was the top vote getter with 193 votes, Moyers 171, McMurray 152, In defeat Harl Ray Lewis received 147 votes and Clarence Gulley 127.
Ron House was elected West City Villiage President, as he received 124 votes to Mike Reed’s 76. Bruce Watkins was elected to full an unexpired term on the town board as he was elected over Steve Mumbower 113-85.
Angela Kay McDowell was elected mayor of the village of Ewing over Eric Haney 42-36.
Donald Storey was elected Benton City Commissioner defeating Melvin Dixon 654-383.
In the City of Christopher, Katrina Claxton defeated Michael Deaton 278-178 for treasurer, and in Ward 3, Brian Hargis defeated Marshall Johnson.
In the Village of Buckner, there were two ties that happened on the village trustee racevilli. Ray Rozhon and Rick Hefner finished in the top slot with 47 votes. Robert Klingel and Herbert Krumrey had 23 for the third spot on the board. I will keep you updated on the tie breaking procedures.
For the North City “Coello” village board Louis Thery, Mark Moschiono and James Allen will be seated on the next board. Thery was the top vote getter with 102 votes, Moschino 87, Allen 82, and Mark Parke 63.
Numbers from the races in Royalton and any other Six-Mile township race will be posted when they become available.
The most hotly contested school board race in which I expect the biggest turnout in is the Frankfort Community Unit District 168 race. There are two candidates vying for one two year spot. They are Amy Dufree and Keith Griffith.
There is a nine candidate slate that are running for four positions. In the incorporated areas of the district (West Frankfort and Orient) Warren Campbell Brown, George Karoski, Mary Moreland, Schannone Steinberger, and Barbara Glodich are on the ballot. In the unincorporated areas Gayle Crawford, Amanda Tinsley, Sue Forgatch and John Alexander are running.
Dufree and Griffith are both in the incorporated areas so one of them will be elected. There can not be no more than three other candidates incorporated areas, so two from the unincorporated areas will be elected to the school board.
At the last school board meeting there was some controversy over the possible hiring of a new superintendent. There was a huge public turnout. The previous board tabled the vote until the new board is seated. One of the major issues is whether the new superintendent resides or will reside in the school district.
In Christopher Unit District # 99, Steve Marlow, Angela Basolo-Bond, Susan Raben, Amie Montegyia, and Charles Mazur are on the ballot for three open seats.
In the Ewing -Northern Grade School School District #115, Susan Shelton, Tommy Harmon, Craig Zinzilieta, Jacob Page and Darren Fletcher are running for four vacancies.
In Benton Grade School District #47, Norman Carlile, Brad Wilson, Gary Messersmith, Derek Stowers, W. Scott Rice, Ron Winemiller, and Lex Stewart, will be chosen to fill four positions.
In Benton High School District #103, Robin LaBuwi and Mark Minor are running from Ewing Township. Ronald Slayton and Mark Franklin from Benton Township.
If I am understanding the legal jargon right, only one person between Slayton and Franklin can be seated on the board.
For the Thompsonville Unit District #174 board, Natalie Dixon, Michael Miller, Krista McFarland Shelby and John Bush are running for three open seats.
In the Zeigler-Royalton Unit District #188 Jeffery Olkoski, Kathie Keown, Gary Vaughn, Jamie Kirkpatrick, and Joseph Dover are running for three open spots on the school board.
For John A. Logan College Board, Bob Ellis, William Orill, Mandy Little and Becky Borgsmiller are running for two open six-year term seats.
In the race for the Rend Lake College board, Randall Rubenacker, Brain Dorris, John Kabat, and Kent Sickmeyer are running for three open seats.
There is no opposition in the Sesser-Valier and Akin school board races.
Please exercise your right tomorrow.
In Goode Township, for Highway Commissioner Democrat Brent Loucks is running against Republican Mark Kash. For Township Trustee there are six running for four spots: Democrats Garry Eubanks, Roger Loyd, Ronald Roberson, and Terry Witcher and Republicans Wesley Kash and Joshua Qualls.
In Ewing Township, Republican Brenda Garvin is running against Democrat Dana Rone for clerk. There is a full slate of eight running for Township Trustee, in which four will be elected. The GOP is running Mark Smith, Jeff Jones, Darrell Smith, and Scott Britton. The Democratic slate consists of Ginger Johnson, Terald Kniffen, Helen Townley and Donna Simpkins.
In Denning Township there is a hotly contested Road Commissioner race between Democrat Dave Wilmore and Independent Randy Pearce, with some write in candidates. For the Township Board there are five candidates for four spots; Democrats Robert Shelby, Lawrence Jamrozek, Terry Joiner, and Mike McCarthy along with Independent Andy Woods.
In Eastern Township, Republicans Jason Bennett, Marshall Clark, Jim M. Heifner, and Democrats Debbie Jones, William Roesch, Justin Summers, and Dennis K. Summers are running for four spots to be Township Trustees.
In Six-Mile Township, two Democrats Scott Fiss and Charles Miller and four from the GOP, Dale Rhodes, Jerry Carpenter, Ron Knox, and Dale Martin for four Township Trustee posts.
In Northern Township Republican Roger Webb is facing a write in challenge for Highway Commissioner. There are a full slate of candidates for Township Trustee with four. The Democrats are running William Richardson, David Goss, Gerald Glen Lowery and Andrea Lowery. The Republican Caucus appointed Ron Sink, Don Bain, Bill Nipper and David Clark.
In Frankfort Township, Tim Grisby the lone Democrat and four Republicans John Odle, Jim Walton, Tim Weaver, and Dan Wells are running for for Township Trustee spots.
Please exercise your right to vote tomorrow.
The anticipated most hotly contested battle will be in the City of Sesser where incumbent Jason Ashmore of the Citizens Welfare Party is being challenged by independent Glen Gulley. There is also a full slate of candidates in the alderman races as well. In Ward 1, Dana Laur (CW) is running against by Barry Ramey (Ind.) In Ward 2, Richard Miller (CW) is running against Jeff Harmon (Ind.) In Ward 3, Alan Wayne Shannon (CW) is running against Edie Hawk (Ind.)
In the City of Benton Donald Storey and Melvin Dixon are vying for a two year term for City Commissioner.
In the City of Christopher Michael Deaton and Katrina Claxton are running for City Treasurer. There is a contested race in Ward 3 between Marshall Johnson and Brian Hargis.
In the Village of Buckner Ray Rozhon, Robert Klingel, Herbert Krumery and Rick Hefner are running for three slots on for Villiage Trustee.
In Ewing, Eric Haney and Angela “Kay” McDowell are running for Village President. (mayor)
In the Village of North City (Coello) Louis Thery, Mark Parke, Mark Moschino, and James “Jimmy” Allen are in contention for three spots for trustee.
In the Village of Valier, Joe Canup is challenging long time mayor Martin Buchanan. Along with Marion Mayor Bob Butler, Buchanan is the longest mayor in office in the state of Illinois. For Village Trustee Bruce McMurray, Clarence Gulley, Harl Ray Lewis, Michael Moyers and Gale Burzynski are running for three spots.
In the Village of West City Mike Reed and Ron House are facing off to be the next Village President. Bruce Watkins and Steve Mumbower are contesting for a two-year spot on the village board.
In the Village of Royalton, Jack Leach, Charles Brandon, Matthew Battaglia and Randy Domenick for three four-year spots on the village board. Bennie Kalert and John Thomas Bullock are running for one two year slot on the board.
Please get out and vote tomorrow.
Pictured is, in alphabetical order, Brooke Akers, Paige Arondelli, Savanah Cobin, Andrew Dunford, Kyle Gares, Luke Garver, Kelsey Hasty, Jena Holden, Noah Huff, Brennen Kelley, Wesley Laxton, Joshua Martin, Derek Mueller, Tyler Nuss, Kaeleb Pedigo, Korteney Prather, Taylor Presutti, Katlyn Reese, Huel Reynolds, Tessa Robertson, Madilyn Severs, Zack Snell, Karlena Tucker, Joshua Underwood, and Alexis Walters.
(ReAnne Palmer / RLC Public Information)
RLC Academic Advisors will visit Hamilton County and Zeigler-Royalton high schools in upcoming weeks to register interested seniors for classes at RLC. Advisors will visit all 13 in-district high schools in the coming weeks.
Registration for Summer 2017 is going on now for all students with classes starting the week of June 5-9. Fall 2017 registration for sophomores begins Monday, April 3 by appointment. For incoming students, Fall 2017 enrollment appointments begin Monday, April 17. The Fall semester begins the week of August 14-18.
According to the U. S. Department of Education, college graduates typically earn more and are less likely to face unemployment than those with a high school diploma. Over the course of a lifetime, the average worker with a postsecondary degree will earn approximately $1 million more than a worker without a postsecondary education. In fact, by 2020, an estimated two-thirds of job openings will require postsecondary education or training.
RLC is a comprehensive community college located in Ina in Southern Illinois. Rend Lake College offers more than 100 associate degree and occupational certificate programs, preparing students for transfer to a four-year university or direct entry into the workforce. In addition, RLC offers personal interest classes, continuing education, business & industry training, computer workshops and much more. To learn more about RLC, visit www.rlc.edu/journey.
ReAnne Palmer – RLC Media Services
Franklin County Board press release
Franklin County voters have the opportunity to take control of the future of their court house by voting for the proposed penny tax on April 4. The county’s current facility has outlived its usefulness, posing numerous maintenance challenges and safety risks to the public, employees, and crime victims who must attend court daily.
Funds are needed to build a new facility. The Franklin County Board has identified a couple of potential sites for the facility, which would be built to new state requirements for a court house. The best way to fund this construction is through a penny sales tax, which would not be charged on the necessities of food and medicine, but would add $1 to a $100 purchase of goods bought by those with discretionary income. The sales tax would be paid by visitors to our county, spreading out the cost of our new court house — leveraging the power of the penny.
A series of Town Hall Meetings has been planned to answer your questions about the proposal. County officials will be on hand at the following dates and times:
CHRISTOPHER: 6 p.m. Wednesday, February 22 at the Christopher Civic Center
SESSER: 6 p.m. Thursday, March 2 at the Goode Township Building
BENTON: 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 7 at the Benton Civic Center
ROYALTON: 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 8 at the Royalton Village Hall
WEST FRANKFORT: 6 p.m. Thursday, March 9 at the Aquatics and Activities Center
ZEIGLER: 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 14 at the Six Mile Township Building
December 29, 2024
December 29, 2024