White House blasts news media for ‘deliberately false reporting’

President Trump calls out a member of the press corps after a CIA briefing. (AP Photo)

President Trump calls out a member of the press corps after a CIA briefing. (AP Photo)

WASHINGTON DC (S.A. Miller – Washington Times -Please click on the link to read the entire story. Here is an excerpt) White House press secretary Sean Spicer lashed out at the news media Saturday over what he called “deliberately false reporting” about President Trump’s first day in office. At a hastily convened briefing at the White House, Mr. Spicer admonished the news media for tweets that falsely claimed Mr. Trump removed the Martin Luther King Jr. bust from the Oval Office and that presented photographs that minimized the size of the crowd. “There has been a lot of talk in the media about the responsibility to hold Donald Trump responsible, and I’m here to tell you that it goes two ways. We’re going to hold the press accountable as well,” he said.

Protesters, police clash in Washington as Trump assumes presidency

A police officer tries to tackle a protester demonstrating against U.S. President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the inauguration in Washington, DC, U.S., January 20, 2017. REUTERS/Adrees Latif - RTSWIPE

A police officer tries to tackle a protester demonstrating against U.S. President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the inauguration in Washington, DC, U.S., January 20, 2017. REUTERS/Adrees Latif – RTSWIPE

WASHINGTON DC (Reuters news service-Please click on link to read full story…here is an excerpt) Black-clad activists angry about U.S. President Donald Trump’s inauguration smashed store car windows and blocked traffic in Washington on Friday and fought with police in riot gear who responded with tear gas and stun grenades. About 500 people, some wearing masks, marched through the city’s downtown, using hammers to claw up chunks of pavement to smash the windows of a Bank of America branch and a McDonald’s outlet, all symbols of the American capitalist system. The crowd chanted anti-Trump slogans and carried signs with slogans including “Make Racists Afraid Again,” a play on the New York businessman-turned-politician’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan. The incident occurred about 90 minutes before Trump was sworn in at the Capitol a mile and a half (2.4 km) away…….

Dick Durbin scolds members of the Democratic party for ditching innaguration

From Senator Durbin's website

From Senator Durbin’s website

DECATUR- (Link to the story from WAND-TV) Here is a quote from Senator Durbin….“My presence is an acknowledgment that once again America has achieved what so many nations have failed to do: perfectly transition to new leadership,” Durbin stated. “Absent clear and convincing evidence that the new President was not legitimately chosen, it is critical to a democracy that those who lose the election acknowledge the choice of the American electorate.”

Inauguration Day 2017: Chaos and pomp greet Trump’s ascension

From President Trump's twitter feed

From President Trump’s twitter feed

WASHINGTON DC- (Please click on the link to read the story from the Washington post) Through the clear, cool morning, crowds of people began descending on the nation’s capital Friday to celebrate, protest or simply witness the inauguration of the most unconventional president-elect in modern American history, Donald John Trump……But his inflammatory rhetoric has angered and offended millions of others, making the 70-year-old New Yorker the most unpopular incoming president in at least four decades. Friday, the stark national divide was already on full display as Trump supporters and detractors began coming face to face on the National Mall, around the White House and throughout downtown D.C……..

Donald Trump’s address to be ‘optimistic,’ ‘visionary,’ ‘philosophical,’ his spokesman says

President-elect Donald Trump salutes as he arrives with his wife Melania Trump at a pre-Inaugural "Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration" at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017. Watching is daughter Ivanka, second from left. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

President-elect Donald Trump salutes as he arrives with his wife Melania Trump at a pre-Inaugural “Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration” at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017. Watching is daughter Ivanka, second from left. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

WASHINGTON DC – (story by David Sheferinski of the Washington Times please click to read an excerpt) President-elect Donald Trump’s inaugural address will include a discussion about the proper role of government and how the country can come together, incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Friday. “I think it will be optimistic,” Mr. Spicer said on NBC’s “Today” program. “It’ll be visionary, but it’s going to be philosophical.”……Please follow the Washington Times throughout the day for updates…..

Former president Geroge HW bush and former first lady Barbara Bush hospitalized

HOUSTON TX- (Link from Washington Post please click to read full story)

Former president George Bush and former first lady Barbara Bush..

Former president George Bush and former first lady Barbara Bush at inaguration

Former president George H.W. Bush was under observation at an intensive care unit in Houston on Wednesday after being treated for an “acute respiratory problem stemming from pneumonia,” according to a statement from his office. The update described the 92-year-old Bush as “stable and resting comfortably” at Houston Methodist Hospital, but gave no details on how long the former president could remain under medical attention. At the same hospital, former first lady Barbara Bush was also admitted Wednesday as a “precaution” after experiencing fatigue and coughing, a separate statement said…..

CIA director rips into Donald Trump over tweets, Russia

CIA BrennanOutgoing CIA Director John Brennan ripped into Donald Trump on Sunday for “talking and tweeting” about possibly easing sanctions against Russia, saying the president-elect lacks a full understanding of the threat Moscow poses to the United States. “I think he has to be mindful that he does not have a full appreciation and understanding of what the implications are of going down that road,” Brennan said on “Fox News Sunday,” a show Trump routinely watches. Vice President-elect Mike Pence, also in an appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” denied that Flynn and Kislyak discussed anything relating to the sanctions. Pence said he talked to Flynn about this Saturday. “The conversations that took place at that time were not in any way related to the new U.S. sanctions against Russia or the expulsion of diplomats.” Please click on the link to read the full story from the Chicago Tribune.

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus to End Its 146-Year Run

cicusRingling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus announced on Saturday night that after 146 years of performances, it was folding its big tent forever. In a statement on the company’s website, Kenneth Feld, the chief executive of Feld Entertainment, the producer of Ringling, said the circus would hold its final performances in May. He cited declining ticket sales, which dropped even more drastically after elephants were phased out from the shows last year. “This, coupled with high operating costs, made the circus an unsustainable business for the company,” the statement said. “The circus and its people have continually been a source of inspiration and joy to my family and me.” Stephen Payne, a spokesman for Feld Entertainment, said in an interview on Saturday night that the closing would affect about 400 cast and crew members. Please click on the link to read the entire story from the New York Times

Wave 2 of icy conditions passes through, but wave 3 could be most dangerous

St. Louis stormNote: Here is the bullet we dodged around here: ST. LOUIS • Periodic light rain glazed sidewalks and roads as a much-anticipated ice storm moved through the metro area. Slippery conditions contributed to one fatal crash. So far, ice amounts were less than advertised, although more is to come. “Overnight is the best chance for accumulation,” said Charley Kelly, a National Weather Service forecaster. “There are more waves of precipitation coming through.” A second wave of sleet and icy rain was expected to pass through the St. Louis region on Saturday morning, ending by about 10 a.m. Once that wave pushes through, temperatures should warm above freezing as conditions remain cloudy and drizzly.

Obama calls on supporters to renew fight for liberal values in farewell address

USA Today photo

USA Today photo

In his farewell address to the nation Tuesday night, a tearful President Obama called on Americans to keep working toward income equality, racial healing and bipartisan cooperation — the same goals he was unable to achieve over the past eight years. With 10 days remaining in his presidency, Mr. Obama traveled to Chicago to deliver his valedictory speech to about 20,000 supporters and urge them to renew the fight for liberal values in the administration of Republican Donald Trump. “We must forge a new social compact,” Mr. Obama said. “If we don’t create opportunity for all people, the disaffection and division that has stalled our progress will only sharpen in years to come.” The president warned of threats facing democracy, saying race “remains a potent and often divisive force in our society.” Please click on the link to read the article from Dave Boyer of the Washington Times

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