Trump gives a press conference for the ages

(AP photo)

(AP photo)

President-Elect Donald Trump gave his first news conference since winning the election — and it was epic. If pundits and the Washington elite think Mr. Trump is going to change his tone or style going into the White House, they’re sorely mistaken. He’s a fighter. He’s accomplished too much in his life, overcome too many obstacles to bow down to anybody. Including the press. “No, I’m not going to give you an answer,” Mr. Trump told CNN’s Jim Acosta. “You are fake news.” The exchange came on the heels of an explosive CNN report that said the intelligence community presented a briefing to both President Obama and Mr. Trump “including allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.” Except no one knows if that’s true — or has verified the contents of the report on which it was based. Please read the rest of the story from Kelly Ridell of the Washington Times…(This is an op-ed piece but it also gives the highlights of today)

U.S. Small-Business Optimism Index Surges by Most Since 1980

grapth-1Optimism among America’s small businesses soared in December by the most since 1980 as expectations about the economy’s prospects improved dramatically in the aftermath of the presidential election. The National Federation of Independent Business’s index jumped 7.4 points last month to 105.8, the highest since the end of 2004, from 98.4. While seven of the 10 components increased in December, 73 percent of the monthly advance was due to more upbeat views about the outlook for sales and the economy, the Washington-based group said. The share of business owners who say now is a good time to expand is three times the average of the current expansion, according to the NFIB’s data. More companies also said they plan to increase investment and keep hiring, which reflects optimism surrounding President-elect Donald Trump’s plans of spurring the economy through deregulation, tax reform and infrastructure spending. Please click on the link to read the rest of the story from

Jeff Sessions Rejects Charges He Holds Racist Views


Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions in meetings with President Elect Donald Trump (Jerusalem Post photo)

Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions in meetings with President Elect Donald Trump (Jerusalem Post photo)

Mr. Sessions, a Republican from Alabama, said he doesn’t support a ban on Muslims from entering the U.S., as Mr. Trump once proposed, and that the use of waterboarding was illegal under current law. The president-elect has advocated using that practice more frequently on terror suspects. The nominee also said he wouldn’t serve as a rubber stamp for the incoming administration and would recuse himself on any pending investigation into Mr. Trump’s opponent from the campaign, Democrat Hillary Clinton. “You have to say ‘no’ sometimes”…for the good of the country,” Mr. Sessions said at the start of the hearing, which is set to elevate one of the most conservative members of Congress to run the Justice Department. Please click on the link to read the rest of the story from The Wall Street Journal.

Planned Parenthood on the ropes as Republicans move in for knockout punch

Speaker of the house Paul Ryan says that in the repeal of Obama Care bill there will be a slash in Planned Parenthood funding (AP photo)

Speaker of the house Paul Ryan says that in the repeal of Obama Care bill there will be a slash in Planned Parenthood funding (AP photo)

A unified Republican government is poised to slash hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars from Planned Parenthood’s annual budget — the culmination of a public relations nightmare 18 months in the making that has left the nation’s largest abortion provider more vulnerable than ever to pro-life advances. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, Wisconsin Republican, said Thursday that the budget reconciliation legislation to repeal Obamacare will include a provision to remove Planned Parenthood from the taxpayer dole. Mr. Ryan issued his statement one day after a House committee released a 418-page report detailing Planned Parenthood’s complicity in the illicit sale of body parts from abortions for profit. Please read the rest of the story from Bradford Richardson of the Washington Times

Ford bringing back Ranger – Bronco

2011 Ranger XLT (NADA photo)

2011 Ranger XLT (NADA photo)

This has been a blurb in several media sources and I could not find a full story.  Ford Motor Company is bringing back the mid size pickup the Ford Ranger in 2019, and the original SUV the Bronco in 2020.

The Ranger was produced from 1983-2011.  The resale value on them as well as the Chevy S 10 and GMC Somoma has been high because of consumer demand for the smaller truck.

1979 Bronco. My personal favorite body style of Ford Trucks in general

1979 Bronco. My personal favorite body style of Ford Trucks in general


The Bronco was produced from 1966-1996.  It had a smaller counterpart the Bronco II in the 1980’s-90’s.  The full size  Bronco was replaced by the Excursion in 1997.

It is noteworthy the Bronco was slated to be produced in Mexico. Now, it will be produced in Michigan.-sd

Republican-led Kentucky Legislature passes right-to-work bill, abortion restrictions

Several labor unions protesting Right to Work laws in Kentucky..

Several labor unions protesting Right to Work laws in Kentucky.. (AP photo)

FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Republican lawmakers in Kentucky used their new majority in the state Legislature to pass bills targeting labor unions and abortion on Saturday over the shouts of hundreds of protesters that packed the cavernous Capitol. With chants of “we will remember in November” seeping through the closed doors of the state Senate, lawmakers gave final passage to a bill saying employers cannot force workers to pay dues to labor unions that represent them in collective bargaining. They also repealed a law guaranteeing higher wages for construction workers on publicly financed projects. And they voted to require a woman seeking an abortion to first undergo an ultrasound and listen to the fetal heartbeat. All the measures were sent to Republican Gov. Matt Bevin. Please click to read the rest of the story from the Washington Times.

ANALYSIS: Ramming terror method adopted by ISIS returns in Jerusalem attack

The last ramming terror attack was in an open market in Berlin on December 20.

The last ramming terror attack was in an open market in Berlin on December 20.

After a lull of several weeks, four soldiers were killed and 17 others wounded, when a truck rammed into a group on an educational trip to Jerusalem’s Armon Hanatziv promenade, a location with a stunning panorama of the capital. Since a wave of violence broke out in September 2015, Palestinian attackers have killed more than 40 Israelis and two Americans. At least 230 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire, the majority while carrying out attacks. The rest died in clashes with IDF soldiers. Palestinians have used cars, trucks, buses and even tractors to carry out attacks against Israelis in the past, but with trucks now routinely used by groups such as ISIS and al-Qaida for deadly terrorist attacks, this attack in Jerusalem becomes reminiscent of the deadly ISIS-inspired ones that hit Europe this year. Please click to read the rest of the story in the Jerusalem post .

‘Multiple people’ killed in shooting at Fort Lauderdale airport, suspect in custody

The scene about 45 minutes ago

The scene about 45 minutes ago

Police said “multiple people” were killed in a shooting Friday afternoon at the Fort Lauderdale international airport that also sent eight people to the hospital. The suspected shooter is in custody, according to a spokeswoman for the Broward County Sheriff’s Department, which was on scene at the airport. Authorities said they first received a call about shots fired just before 1 p.m. While officials could not immediately confirm the death toll, “we have multiple people dead,” the spokeswoman said…..We will keep you informed at as this story unfolds.

Keith Olbermann Has A Message To Share With Your Trump-Supporting Friends

Former news and sports commentator Keith obermann

Former news and sports commentator Keith obermann

Here is a link to the video by former Newscaster and Sportscaster Keith Obermann that was causing a firestorm on social media this morning. Here is your opportunity to watch it if you would like.


Obamas throwing themselves a big White House farewell party

White House file photo

White House file photo

President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama are throwing themselves a big A-list party Friday night — their last White House blowout before leaving office. Among the expected celebrity guests are Paul McCartney, Beyonce and husband Jay Z, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, David Letterman, Usher, Samuel L. Jackson, Oprah Winfrey, director George Lucas, actor Bradley Cooper and Chance the Rapper from Chicago. White House press secretary Josh Earnest confirmed the party. Typically, the White House says the Obamas pay for their own private events…..Click and read the rest of the story from Dave Boyer of the Washington Times

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