Putin says Russia won’t oust U.S. diplomats in hacking flap

MOSCOW (AP) — President Vladimir Putin has condemned a new round of U.S. sanctions against Russia but said Moscow will not retaliate by expelling American diplomats. U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday imposed sanctions on Russian officials and intelligence services in retaliation for Russia’s interference in the U.S. presidential election by hacking American political sites and email accounts. 35 Russian diplomats were ordered to leave the U.S.in 72 hours and two facilities closed. Putin, in a statement the

Russian President Vladimir Putin holds a sword while listening an explanations from the head of Russian First Channel Konstantin Ernst, during his meeting with the historical action film Viking's crew, in Moscow, Russia, Friday, Dec. 30, 2016. Viking is a historical action film based on the historical document Primary Chronicle and Icelandic Kings' sagas. (Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Russian President Vladimir Putin holds a sword while listening an explanations from the head of Russian First Channel Konstantin Ernst, during his meeting with the historical action film Viking’s crew, in Moscow, Russia, Friday, Dec. 30, 2016. Viking is a historical action film based on the historical document Primary Chronicle and Icelandic Kings’ sagas. (Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Kremlin’s web-site on Friday, referred the new sanctions as a “provocation aimed to further undermine Russian-American relations.” But he said Russia would not be expelling American diplomats in retaliation like the Russian foreign ministry earlier suggested. Please click on this link to read the entire story from the Associated Press on the Washington Times website.

Trump blasts Obama ‘roadblocks’ as power transfer turns increasingly hostile

Trump at a victory rally after the election.  (Washington Times photo)

Trump at a victory rally after the election. (Washington Times photo)

The presidential transition hit a new low Wednesday, with President-elect Donald Trump openly criticizing President Obama for bungling U.S. relations with Israel and erecting other roadblocks” to a smooth transfer of power in Washington. With 24 days to go before Mr. Trump’s inauguration, the president-elect’s frustration with Mr. Obama’s perceived undermining of his victory, and wide-ranging efforts to tie the hands of the incoming administration, boiled over in a series of comments by Mr. Trump on Twitter. “Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks,” Mr. Trump said. “Thought it was going to be a smooth transition — NOT!” The president has been rushing with executive actions to lock in policies that Mr. Trump isn’t likely to support, such as bans on offshore drilling and a fresh round of pending sanctions against Russia for cyberattacks that the administration says were aimed at helping Mr. Trump win the election. Please click on the link to read the story from Dave Boyer of the Washington times.

Trump Tower briefly evacuated this afternoon over a suspicious package

Trump Tower was evacuated Tuesday and the NYPD and FDNY rushed to the scene to investigate — all because a little kid left

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behind a backpack full of toys, authorities said. The scare unfolded about 4:30 p.m. when a “suspicious package” was reported in the building’s atrium near Nike Town. Authorities took no chances and a bomb sniffing dog was brought in and sat on the package, suggesting it was an explosive. But further investigation revealed there was no threat. “All clear at Trump Tower following the earlier suspicious package in the lobby,” an NYPD spokesman announced. Surveillance video showed that the unidentified boy, who was with his family, had left the yellow backpack behind in the building on Fifth Avenue in Midtown. Please click on the link to follow the story from the New York Post.

Carrie Fisher passes

Carrie Fisher, the princess of Hollywood who became a young star playing a princess in Star Wars, died Tuesday after a heart attack

Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford in "Star Wars"

Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford in “Star Wars”

suffered on a flight from London to Los Angeles Friday, according to Chelsea Hayes, a rep for Fisher’s daughter, Billie Lourd. Fisher was 60. Fisher suffered a medical emergency on a United Airlines flight before landing at LAX Friday. Efforts were made to revive her, according to a series of tweets from other passengers. She was taken to a hospital in L.A. where she died four days later. The last update provided by Fisher’s family was on Sunday, Christmas Day, when her mother, Debbie Reynolds said Fisher was in stable condition. On Tuesday morning Lourd’s publicist released the following statement confirming her passing: “It is with a very deep sadness that Billie Lourd confirms that her beloved mother Carrie Fisher passed away at 8:55 this morning. She was loved by the world and she will be missed profoundly. Our entire family thanks you for your thoughts and prayers” Please click the link to read the story from USA Today.

Imprisoned Rod Blagojevich awaits Obama decision on commutation

CHICAGO – One of the last chances for former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich to win early release from federal prison rests on a pending decision by the man whose Senate seat Blagojevich was blagoconvicted of trying to sell – President Barack Obama. Blagojevich, 60, is in the fourth year of a 14-year prison term. He recently submitted a request to have his sentence on wide-ranging corruption convictions commuted, the U.S. Department of Justice has confirmed. Obama has rarely mentioned his fellow Chicago Democrat since Blagojevich’s December 2008 arrest, a month after Obama won the presidency, so it’s hard to gauge if he’d give Blagojevich’s request for a reduced sentence serious thought. A look at the commutation process and factors that could influence a decision:….Please click to read the rest of the story from the Associated Press

Trump’s embrace helps Iowa family cope with death of daughter killed by illegal immigrant

COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa — There was a time when Scott Root and Michelle Wilson-Root looked forward to Christmas, but not this year. Their 21-year-old daughter, Sarah Root, was killed Jan. 31 by Eswin

The Root family with president elect Donald Trump at a fundraiser for IA congresswoman Joni Ernst

The Root family with president elect Donald Trump at a fundraiser for IA congresswoman Joni Ernst (AP Photo)

Mejia, an illegal immigrant from Honduras accused of plowing into the back of her vehicle as he street-raced while drunk in Omaha, Nebraska. He skipped bail. Nearly a year later, he remains a fugitive. For the Roots, this is the first Christmas without her, their first since the tragedy put them on a path with President-elect Donald Trump, who brought national attention to the case as part of his call during the election campaign for a crackdown on illegal immigration. The Roots and their 25-year-old son, Scott Jr., met with and campaigned for Mr. Trump in Iowa. His Nov. 8 victory was their victory, too. That doesn’t make Christmas any easier. It’s not hard to see why Sarah Root’s death resonated with Mr. Trump. The day before she was killed, Sarah graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Bellevue University, where she carried a 4.0 GPA while working full time at Walgreens. Please click to read the rest of the story from Valerie Richardson of the Washington Times.

Donald Trump on nukes tweet: Let it be an arms race

President-elect Donald Trump told an MSNBC host Friday to “let it be an arms race” when asked to clarify a tweet he sent a day earlier about expanding the United States’ nuclear capability. “Let it be an arms race … we will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all,” Mr. Trump told MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski, she reported on “Morning Joe.” Mr. Trump had raised the issue in a post on Twitter Thursday. “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes,” he had said….Please click on the link to read the rest of the story from David Sherfinski of the Washington Times

U.S. rebukes Israel and allows U.N. condemnation of settlements

us-isreal1In a move seen by critics as a last ditch slap at Israel by President Obama before he leaves office, the administration allowed the U.N. Security Council to push through a resolution Friday that called Israeli settlement construction on territory Palestinians want for an independent state a “flagrant violation” of international law. Despite heated criticism from President-elect Donald Trump, other leading Republicans and some prominent Democrats, Mr. Obama broke with long-standing U.S. tradition of vetoing such resolutions — instead simply abstaining from Friday’s vote on a measure that demands a halt to “all Israeli settlement activities.” Critics slammed the development, which came a day after Egyptian diplomats, who worked with Palestinians to draft and put the resolution before the Security Council, had postponed a vote on it amid behind-the-scenes pressure from Israel, whose leaders were wary the Obama administration might embrace the measure. Please click to read the entire story from the Washington Times.

Obama: Americans criticize ‘fictional character named Barack’ created by Fox News

President Obama wants Americans to know before he leaves office that many of them were only unhappy with his administration due barack-obamato a “fictional” representation promulgated by conservative media outlets. The Atlantic’s Ta-Nehisi Coates recently sat down with Mr. Obama for a series the magazine calls “My President Was Black.” The project is based on interviews conducted Oct. 19, but the first two parts were published Tuesday and Wednesday. “I’m not saying I’m impervious to criticism — but one of the things that you come pretty early on to understand in this job, and you start figuring out even during the course of the campaign, is that there’s Barack Obama the person and there’s Barack Obama the symbol, or the office holder, or what people are seeing on television, or just a representative of power,” Mr. Obama said while recounting a brusque encounter with an activist. Click to read the rest of the article by Douglas Ernst – The Washington Times

Obama’s team cancels Muslim registry to foil Trump’s plans for ‘extreme vetting’

The Obama administration rushed Thursday to cancel a program set up to track Muslim and Arab men in the wake of the Sept. 11

(AP file photo)

(AP file photo)

terrorist attacks, hoping to hamstring President-elect Donald Trump’s plans to impose “extreme vetting” on Muslim visitors. Known as the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System (NSEERS), the program went dormant in 2011, but civil rights groups had feared Mr. Trump could kick-start it as the backbone of his new vetting plans. Homeland Security said the program is being ended immediately. “DHS ceased use of NSEERS more than five years ago, after it was determined the program was redundant, inefficient and provided no increase in security,” the department said in a statement. “The intervening years have shown that NSEERS is not only obsolete, but that its use would divert limited personnel and resources from more effective measures.”….Please click to read more of the story from Stephen Dinan – The Washington Times

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