Lynch says she regrets tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Sunday that the fallout from her tarmac meeting with former President Bill Clinton was “painful” for her. “I do regret sitting down and having a conversation with

Attorney General Loretta Lynch (AP file photo)

Attorney General Loretta Lynch (AP file photo)

him, because it did give people concern. And as I said, my greatest concern has always been making sure that people understand that the Department of Justice works in a way that is independent and looks at everybody equally,” Lynch said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “And when you do something that gives people a reason to think differently, that’s a problem. It was a problem for me. It was painful for me, and so I felt it was important to clarify it as quickly and as clearly and as cleanly as possible.” Some have criticized the meeting, which came as the FBI was investigating Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of State. Lynch rejected the idea that FBI Director James Comey made unprecedented decisions in an effort to combat allegations that the Justice Department was biased in favor Clinton. Please click on the link to read the entire story by Jesse Hellman from

The Trump Cabinet: Bonfire of the agencies

Democrats spent the first two decades of the post-Cold War era rather relaxed about Russian provocations and revanchism. charles-krauthammerPresident Obama famously mocked Mitt Romney in 2012 for suggesting that Russia was our principal geopolitical adversary. Yet today the Dems are in high dudgeon over the closeness of secretary of state nominee, Rex Tillerson, to Vladimir Putin. Hypocrisy aside, it is true that, as head of ExxonMobil, Tillerson made major deals with Russia, received Russia’s Order of Friendship and opposed U.S. sanctions. That’s troubling but not necessarily disqualifying. At the time, after all, Tillerson was acting as an agent of ExxonMobil, whose interest it is to extract oil and make money  Click to read Charles Krauthammer’s weekly editorial from the Washington Post.

Liberal Hollywood stars reach out to Republican electors to stop them from voting for Trump

A bevy of liberal Hollywood stars have put aside their differences with Republicans in an eleventh-hour plea to GOP electors to convince them not to cast their ballots for Donald Trump at the Monday vote of the Electoral College. A self-described “public hollywoodservice announcement” released last week by Unite for America featured 17 celebrities assuring the Republican electors that “you will have my respect” by refusing to vote for Mr. Trump. “You have the position, the authority and the opportunity to go down in the books as an American hero who changed the course of history,” said the stars in the YouTube video. “And you have my respect for your patriotism and service to the American people.” Please click on this link to read the rest of the story by Valerie Richardson of the Washington Post.

Donald Trump picks David Friedman as Israel envoy, eyes moving embassy to Jerusalem

WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump has announced that he will nominate attorney David Friedman as U.S. ambassador to Israel, selecting an envoy who supports Israeli us-isreal1settlements and other changes to U.S. policies in the region. Friedman said he looked forward to carrying out his duties from “the U.S. embassy in Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem,” even though the embassy is in Tel Aviv. Like some of his predecessors, Trump has vowed to move the American embassy to Jerusalem, a politically charged act that would anger Palestinians who want east Jerusalem as part of their sovereign territory. The move would also distance the U.S. from most of the international community, including its closest allies in Western Europe and the Arab world. The president-elect said Friedman would “maintain the special relationship” between the U.S. and Israel. Please click on the link to read the rest of the Associated Press story.

China’s Navy seizes American underwater drone in South China Sea

A Chinese Navy warship has seized an underwater drone deployed by an American oceanographic vessel in international waters in the South China Sea, triggering a formal demarche from the United pentagonStates and a demand for its return, a U.S. defense official told Reuters on Friday. The incident — the first of its kind in recent memory — took place on Dec. 15 northwest of Subic Bay just as the USNS Bowditch, an oceanographic survey ship, was about to retrieve the unmanned, underwater vehicle (UUV), the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. There will be more posts as this incident unfolds. (Reuters)

GUILTY…Dylann Roof found guilty on all counts in Emanuel AME Church massacre case

Dylann Roof, a gun-obsessed loner who tried to provoke a race war after soaking up online hate, has been convicted of 33 federal crimes stemming from his massacre of nine black parishioners at

Mass murderer and white supremacist Dylan Roof who brutally murdered nine blacks attending a Wednesday night service at an AME church (Post and Courier photo)

Mass murderer and white supremacist Dylan Roof ,who brutally murdered nine blacks attending a Wednesday night service at an AME church (Post and Courier photo)

Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church. A federal jury with three black members and nine whites deliberated for two hours before finding the white supremacist guilty of hate crimes, obstruction of religion obstruction and firearms violations. Roof stood facing forward, impassive, as the jury foreman read each count in order, accompanied by: “We find the defendant Dylann Storm Roof guilty.” They will return Jan. 3 to decide whether he will be put to death or imprisoned for life for committing the shooting rampage….Please click on the link to read the rest of the story from the Charleston SC Post and Courier

Inventor of Dairy Queen’s ‘Blizzard’ machine dies in Bettendorf IA

Ronald Medd was an entrepreneur and a person who worked very hard with his family to improve the Bettendorf community,

The Medd Family (Quad City Times file photo.)

The Medd Family (Quad City Times file photo.)

according to the Rev. Richard Pokora of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Bettendorf. Medd, 85, died Monday at his Bettendorf home, surrounded by his family. His many accomplishments included helping to invent the “Blizzard” machine for Dairy Queen franchises all over the country. The frosty treat is so popular in some quarters that it even has a fan club. To this day, Pokora enjoys stopping by the Bettendorf Dairy Queen on 18th Street, where he thinks about Medd. A machine in that location commemorates the invention. Please click on this link to read the entire story from Deirdre Cox Baker of the Quad City Times

Long-Shot Bid to Block Trump Arrives at Electoral College Monday

The Electoral College’s 538 members gather Monday at 50 state capitols to cast the ballots that matter the most when it comes to electing a U.S. president. Normally sedate affairs that pass with little

Trump at a victory rally after the election. (Washington Times photo)

Trump at a victory rally after the election. (Washington Times photo)

notice, this year’s proceedings have been injected with a bit of drama and a dash of uncertainty with an unprecedented campaign by a small group of electors to overturn the results of Election Day. Behind the drive is a group calling itself Hamilton Electors, led by two Democratic electors from western states. The name is a nod to Alexander Hamilton and his explanation of the need for the Electoral College, an entity the first U.S. Treasury secretary said existed to make sure that “the office of the president will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.”

Energy Dept. rebuffs Trump’s request for list of climate-change workers

In another sign that the transition isn’t proceeding as smoothly as President Obama professes, the Energy Department refused Tuesday to provide President-elect Donald Trump’s team with a list

resident Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump shake hands following their meeting in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump shake hands following their meeting in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

of federal employees who have worked on climate-change programs. White House press secretary Josh Earnest expressed concern that the move by Mr. Trump “could have been an attempt to target civil servants, career federal government employees.” “If we had to replace the entire Department of Energy every time a new president was elected, that is certainly going to undermine the ability of those at the most senior levels to implement a coherent and effective energy policy,” he said. The president-elect’s transition officials have not explained the inquiry and did not respond to a request for comment Tuesday. Please click to read the entire story by Dave Boyer and Ben Wolfgang of the Washington Times.

Obama shrugs off Russian hacking — until Donald Trump elected president

Foreign governments have launched numerous cyberattacks on the barack-obamaU.S. government and sensitive industrial sites, but Republicans say President Obama has not responded in a forceful way to years of Russian hacking. A more assertive response might have headed off the type of hacking Russia is accused of launching during the presidential election, they say. Russia, whose supposed cyberoffensive now is generating a Democratic Party movement that would delegitimize the incoming presidency of Donald Trump, has hacked Pentagon systems. In 2014 it penetrated computer networks at the White House and the State Department. Neither the White House nor the mainstream media reacted with any great alarm. Please click on the link to read the entire story from The Washington Times

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