Hamilton Electors’ ‘faithless’ are replaceable, Colorado judge rules

If Democratic electors in Colorado refuse to vote for Hillary Clinton, then they can be replaced by others who will follow the law, a judge ruled Tuesday. Denver District Court Judge Elizabeth Starrs

Protesters in NYC that are part of the Hamilton movement . (AP photo)

Protesters in NYC that are part of the Hamilton movement . (AP photo)

gave Secretary of State Wayne Williams the option of removing the electors after he sought the court’s advice after a well-publicized revolt by three Colorado electors. Her decision came as the second blow in as many days to the “faithless electors,” who lost a motion Monday that would have allowed them to vote for a candidate other than Mrs. Clinton. They have since appealed to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. The electors — Polly Baca, Michael Baca and Michael Nemanich — have said they may cast their votes for an alternative to Mrs. Clinton in an effort to deny the presidency to Republican Donald Trump as part of the Hamilton Electors movement. Please click to read the rest of the story from the Washington Times.

Mass killing reported in Aleppo as Syria troops near victory

BEIRUT (AP) — Pro-government forces reportedly killed 82

civilians “on the spot” as they closed in on the last rebel enclave in Syria’s Aleppo Tuesday, the U.N. human rights office said, while world leaders and aid agencies issued dramatic appeals on behalf of trapped residents.

Photo by: Uncredited This image released by the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) shows Syrians who were displaced with their families from eastern Aleppo gather at the collective shelter, in the village of Jibreen south of Aleppo, Syria, Monday, Dec. 12, 2016. Syria's military said Monday it has regained control of 98 percent of eastern Aleppo, as government forces close in the last remaining sliver of a rebel enclave packed with fighters as well as tens of thousands of civilians. (ICRC via AP)

Photo by: Uncredited
This image released by the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) shows Syrians who were displaced with their families from eastern Aleppo gather at the collective shelter, in the village of Jibreen south of Aleppo, Syria, Monday, Dec. 12, 2016. Syria’s military said Monday it has regained control of 98 percent of eastern Aleppo, as government forces close in the last remaining sliver of a rebel enclave packed with fighters as well as tens of thousands of civilians. (ICRC via AP)

That and other reports of mass killings, which could not be independently confirmed, reinforce fears of atrocities in eastern Aleppo in the final hours of the battle for the city, which has been split between rebel and government control since 2012.

Several residents and opposition activists have told The Associated Press that government forces carried out summary killings of rebels in the streets in neighborhoods captured on Monday, but the Syrian military flatly denied the claims, saying such allegations were “a desperate attempt” to try gain international sympathy.

None of the residents reached by AP witnessed the alleged killings. Their statements reflected the deepening chaos in the remaining rebel-held areas. Mohammed Abu Rajab, the administrator of the last remaining clinic in rebel-held parts of the city, said people who were killed or wounded are being left in the streets.


U.S.-Israel relations on the mend

The consensus in Israel is that the relationship between the Jewish state and the United States is going to improve in a Trump

Conservative commentator Cal Thomas

Conservative commentator Cal Thomas

administration, says former Israeli ambassador to the U.S., Zalman Shoval. On a recent visit to Washington, D.C., Mr. Shoval told me that he believes Donald Trump and his Cabinet picks so far have a more “realistic” view of the Middle East than President Obama, who from his first days in office, “perhaps before, believed it was his calling to fix once and for all, all matters between the U.S. and the Arab and Muslim worlds, as expressed in his Cairo speech. This gives Trump in the hearts and minds of more than a few Israelis a head start.” Please read the editorial by Cal Thomas by clicking on the link

Money isn’t everything: Clinton spends twice as much as Trump in losing presidential bid

While both campaigns went on a spending spree in the final stretch, Mrs. Clinton was left with only $839,000 on hand by the end of the

Hillary Clinton at a UNICEF event on November 29, introducing Katy Perry (AP photo)

Hillary Clinton at a UNICEF event on November 29, introducing Katy Perry (AP photo)

election, while Mr. Trump still had $7.6 million. Mrs. Clinton wound up blowing past the spending record set in 2012 by President Obama, whose campaign and Democrat committees spent $1.12 billion, slightly more than the $1.02 billion spent by Republican Mitt Romney and GOP groups. The Trump campaign committee alone spent $328.4 million through late November as opposed to $563.9 million by the Clinton camp, according to the FEC. In other words, Mr. Trump’s 306 electoral votes cost about $1.05 million a piece, while each of Mrs. Clinton’s 232 electoral votes cost $2.43 million, an NBC News analysis found.   Please click on the link from Valerie Richardson from the Washington Times.

Donald Trump to pick Rex Tillerson for secretary of state: report

Caption with the story in the Washington Post.

Caption with the story in the Washington Post.

President-elect Donald Trump plans to name Exxon Mobile CEO Rex Tillerson as his secretary of state, according to a report from NBC News. Mr. Trump met Saturday with Mr. Tillerson for a second time to talk about the the job of America’s top diplomat. Mr. Tillerson, 64, has run the Texas-based oil business since 2004 and, as a result of the company’s global reach, has extensive experience with world leaders and foreign policy issues. Recently, Mr. Tillerson emerged as a leading candidate on an expanding list of contenders for secretary of state. Other candidates included 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker and former CIA director David H. Petraeus  Please follow the link with the story from S.A. Miller from the Washington Post.

John Glenn, American hero, aviation icon and former U.S. senator, dies at 95

His legend is otherworldly and now, at age 95, so is John Glenn. He, along with fellow aviators Orville and Wilbur Wright and moon-

John Glenn in 1962 and 2012 (AP photo)

John Glenn in 1962 and 2012 (AP photo)

walker Neil Armstrong, truly made Ohio first in flight. “John Glenn is, and always will be, Ohio’s ultimate hometown hero, and his passing today is an occasion for all of us to grieve,” said Ohio Gov. John R. Kasich. “As we bow our heads and share our grief with his beloved wife, Annie, we must also turn to the skies, to salute his remarkable journeys and his long years of service to our state and nation. “Though he soared deep into space and to the heights of Capitol Hill, his heart never strayed from his steadfast Ohio roots. Godspeed, John Glenn!” Kasich said. Click on this link to follow this and other stories from the Columbus Dispatch.

Trump, Fallin applaud Scott Pruitt EPA appointment

OK Attorney General Scott Pruitt and OK Gov, Mary Falin..Pruitt appointed to be EPA director in the Trump administration

OK Attorney General Scott Pruitt and OK Gov, Mary Falin..Pruitt appointed to be EPA director in the Trump administration

President-elect Donald J. Trump tapped Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt on Wednesday to head the Environmental Protection Agency, a strong signal that the next administration will break from eight years of making new regulations on air and water pollution. “For too long, the Environmental Protection Agency has spent taxpayer dollars on an out-of-control anti-energy agenda that has destroyed millions of jobs, while also undermining our incredible farmers and many other businesses and industries at every turn,” Trump said Thursday morning. “My administration strongly believes in environmental protection, and Scott Pruitt will be a powerful advocate for that mission while promoting jobs, safety and opportunity.” Please click on the link from Chris Casteel and Paul Monies from the Oklahoma City Oklahoman.

Border Patrol agents bless Trump’s pick for Homeland Security secretary

Border Patrol agents gave retired Marine Gen. John F. Kelly their backing Wednesday to be the next Homeland Security secretary,

President elect Trump and General Kelly

President elect Trump and General Kelly

and thanked President-elect Donald Trump for consulting them before making a pick that the agents said should go a long way to right the problems in the troubled department. The National Border Patrol Council, which represents line agents, said that despite Gen. Kelly’s lack of experience with immigration issues, “he comes in with stellar credentials.” “General Kelly’s troops, by all accounts, loved him, which, bodes well for the morale issue within DHS, and he appears to be a no-nonsense rule of law general,” the agents said. Please click on the link to read the full story from Stephen Dianan of the Washington Times. 

Donald Trump named Time magazine’s Person of the Year

President-elect Donald Trump was named Time magazine’s Person trump-man-of-the-yearof the Year on Wednesday. “It’s a great honor. It means a lot, especially me growing up reading Time magazine,” Mr. Trump said on NBC’s “Today” program after the announcement was unveiled. “It’s [a] very important magazine and I’ve been lucky enough to be on the cover many times this year … and last year,” he said. “But I consider this a very, very great honor.” Please Read more from the story from David Sherfinski of the Washington Times

December 7, 1941…….A day in infamy …..

In the tragedy that was Pearl Harbor, about 2,455 men, women and children were killed in the attacks on Oahu. The total includes 2,390 American service members and Oahu civilians, 56 Japanese aviators, and up to nine Japanese submariners. This morning at

U.S.S. Arizona from the distance of the commemoration ceremony. Thank you for your service . (Photo Honolulu Star-Adviser

U.S.S. Arizona from the distance of the commemoration ceremony. Thank you for your service . (Photo Honolulu Star-Advertiser)

Pearl Harbor, the nation remembers the date that lives in infamy 75 years later. Thousands of people, including hundreds of attack survivors and World War II veterans — most in their 90s and older, have gathered at Kilo Pier overlooking the Arizona Memorial and at the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center to pay tribute to the fallen. Read today’s coverage with several links in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

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