Princess Leah in ICU-suffers heart attack

Carrie Fisher has been hospitalized and is in intensive care after suffering a full cardiac arrest on Friday while aboard an airplane headed from London to Los Angeles. The actress was in critical

Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford in "Star Wars"

Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford in “Star Wars”

condition earlier in the day, an emergency official told Variety on Friday afternoon. She was moved from the emergency room to the Intensive Care Unit hours later, her brother, Todd Fisher, said Friday evening. The actor and filmmaker said his sister is not in stable condition, despite previous reports. “She’s in the ICU and everybody’s praying for her,” he told Variety in a phone interview. “There’s nothing new from the doctors. There’s nothing new at all. … There’s no good news or bad news.” Todd Fisher said media outlets are “writing between the lines” in reporting that she’s now in stable condition. The Associated Press reported earlier today that Todd Fisher said Carrie Fisher was in stable condition and “out of emergency.” Airport police responded at approximately 12:15 p.m. PT to a woman with a medical emergency on a plane at LAX International Airport’s Terminal 7, public information officer Alicia Hernandez told Variety…..please read the rest of the story from

Dense fog advisory in effect until 10 a.m.


The National Weather service has issued a dense fog advisory in effect until 10 a.m., for the areas shaded in grey.  The high today is supposed to be around 50 degrees.  Periods of showers and thunderstorms are in the forecast through Monday.  Highs will be in the sixties, with lows around 50.  Merry Christmas to everyone.

The Peace of Christmas

by Steve Dunford

One of the things that I love about Christmas the most is the peacefulness of it.  My wife, son and I used to go to my grandparents and then my mom and dad’s on Christmas eve.  Sometimes, we would go back on Christmas night.

We lived in Sesser at the time.  The twenty mile trip to Thompsonville was one of the highlights of my Christmas.

Some might see it strange, but seeing every business closed,  except a few convenience stores open going through Benton and West City, gave me a sense of peace.  The world seemed like it was standing still.

 The scene at any Walmart across the nation 364 days a year, a packed house. The empty parking lot was great to see, thinking of employees having a day with their friends and family.

The scene at any Walmart across the nation 364 days a year, a packed house. The empty parking lot was great to see, thinking of employees having a day with their friends and family.

The thoughts of how the town was bustling a few hours before, with people grabbing last minute gifts and goodies for their celebration, then all at once everything came to a screeching halt.  People were at gatherings spending time                         with their loved ones.

After opening gifts on Christmas morning, there is always such a quietness and calm like no other day in the year.  There is little traffic.  You walk outside to go to gatherings, and there is a stillness that does not exist on the other 364 days of the year.

Christmas is a magical and special time.  Nothing is more precious than seeing the face of a child light up on Christmas morning or the days leading up to it.

The reason Christmas is so special, is the birth of a savior who was born of a virgin, who died for a rotten sinner like me.  He died for you as well.  It is there for the asking.

The holidays are painful for some.  Losing someone special in ones life lives a hole.  A lot of people battle emptiness and loneliness.  Here are a couple verses to cling to during this time, if you feel sadness.  They will give you peace. (Phillipians 4:7) and (John 14:27)

If you heart is troubled reach out to him for the ultimate peace.  Jesus is reaching out to you.

The awareness that we need peace on this earth comes up during this season.  We all have the sin nature.  There might be times of peace and prosperity, but until Jesus rules and reigns on this earth, there will be no world peace.  He is the Prince of Peace.  There are a lot of people who differ on theology, but the main thing he is returning. Are you ready for his coming?

Lastly, I have had this thought running though my head.  This is during the days of shag carpet, and when I was the remote control back in the 1970’s  This is during the days when there was just three, six, and twelve.

NY Daily News file photo

NY Daily News file photo

There was a Coke commercial during that time that ran during that era.  It was a take from the folk song  I’d like to teach the world to sing.  I shared world peace was not inevitable, but keep in mind personal peace is through Jesus Christ.

As we go into the new year, I am going to put more focus on changing the world around me.  One thing the Lord has done a mighty work in me, is to have a positive outlook on things.  We are all a work in progress, and it is a lifetime of molding us into what we need to be.

If someone is grumpy, depressed, sad or lonely.  Give them a helping hand.  Smiles and kind words go along way.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas.  It is a blessing to be able to sit behind this keyboard.  Thank you all for the positive words.  God bless you all.


Holiday Tournament Previews released on Christmas night

Steve’s Ramblings

Steve Dunford –

First of all let me explain my reasoning for releasing the previews on Christmas night.  I am doing this in honor of the late voice of the West Frankfort Redbrids, Bruce A. Fasol.  He used to have his tournament preview on WFRX at 7 P.M. on Christmas night.  I recorded a lot of audio tape of it back in the day.  I will have Sesser-Valier, and Eldorado completed.  Since Pinckneyville does not start until the 27th.  I might need some extra time.  If not on Christmas I will have that completed on the 26th.

The late long time Redbird broadcaster Bruce Fasol with his long time color man Rick Westemeyer, in Bruce's bird perch. Westemeyer is now the voice of the Redbirds.

The late long time Redbird broadcaster Bruce Fasol with his long time color man Rick Westemeyer, in Bruce’s “Bird Perch. Westemeyer is now the voice of the Redbirds.

If anyone has any info about any teams from the DTHC, please let me know.  I want to  keep every fan informed.

I will not be able to attend any holiday tournament this year.  I am going to rely on different media sources to keep everyone informed.

The IHSA released sites and parings this week for the postseason.  I will be posting them and breaking them down                                                                   after the first of the year.

I had it all laid out for the county teams on this post.  I looked at the meter and it was 600 words.  I could not access the site for a while. It did not auto save.  I guess it was the Lord’s way of saying I was one winded.

I love talking to coaches.  I talked to Marissa-Coulterville coach Scott Wine on the phone for about an hour.  He filled me in on the teams in the Cahokia conference.  I have had several conversations with coaches this week.   I love it…

Speaking of talking basketball, I love taking to Rich Herrin over the years.  I have had a lot of good conversations with him after Morthland games.  I sit behind the bench so I can watch him coach and soak every minute of it.

Since it is Christmas, I have a story to tell about coach Herrin.  I was talking to Norman “Doc” Melvin at Christmastime last year.  He told me that Coach Herrin received his first cell phone as a Christmas gift several years ago.

There were all the numbers loaded in it.  Doc receives a call from Coach Herrin after 11 P.M. on Christmas night wanting to talk basketball.  He was going through his contacts calling everyone.  You “gotta” love it.

I think you see why I call it ramblings. I just say random things.  I have had my highest compliments on this time of post since I started writing.  They used to be one long paragraph and punctuation optional.  You will see more.  By the way I have hit the over 400 mark again.

I want to wish everyone reading a Merry Christmas.  Remember the reason for the season.  A baby was born of a virgin and went to the cross, so that a rotten sinner like me could have eternal life.  He died for you too.  That is what the season is all about.



West Frankfort gets big road win at Goreville last night

The FCHS Redbirds boys JV and Varsity basketball teams both picked up big wins on the road at Goreville Thursday. In the varsity game, Lucas Wolfe (4) and Austin Glodich (2) hit six straight free wf-redbirdsthrows in the final :30 as West Frankfort held on for a hard fought 70-68 victory. The game was very close for the first three quarters as West Frankfort led at every break 12-11, 30-29 and 44-42. The Redbirds came out on fire at the start of the 4th quarter and led by 11 points with 5:00 on the game. West Frankfort had a very balanced scoring attack with four players in double figures. Noah Allen led the way with 17 points. Kyle Hammers was close behind with 14, while Glodich scored 11 points. With most of their starters in foul trouble, West Frankfort got huge contributions off the bench from 6’3” senior Scott Clinton and the the 5”8” junior Wolfe. Clinton finished with 10 points and played good interior defense to help shut down Goreville’s talented 6’6” center Brent Glidewell who scored 8 points. Wolfe scored 8 points, including 6 huge free throws in the final quarter. HIs quickness on defense was also a big factor in the win. Keagan Thrash scored 4 points, while Brendan Russell and Andrew Sturghill added 3 and 2 points respectively. Johnson rounded out the scoring with one free throw. ….Please click to read the rest of the story from

State lawmakers’ education funding talks continue

Despite a standstill over the state budget, a group of bipartisan lawmakers has been meeting more often in recent weeks to devise a plan to overhaul funding for public schools. Although Illinois’ top educationleaders aren’t meeting to discuss the budget, members of Gov. Bruce Rauner’s education funding reform commission told the Springfield Bureau of Lee Enterprises newspapers they’re optimistic that the group will be able to come up with at least outlines of a new school funding formula. “We’ve made meaningful progress on an incredibly difficult issue,” said Republican state Sen. Jason Barickman. Rauner set a Feb. 1 deadline for the group to complete its work when he announced its formation in July. Barickman said that if reform is going to happen, the group, and ultimately the legislature, must come to a consensus on complex issues, such as property taxes and achieving parity among school districts. Click to read the rest of the Associated Press story….

Mississippi church arson-member of the congergation

State law enforcement officials say a member of the Greenville church that was burned and vandalized with “Vote Trump” in spray

The spray-painted graffiti on the burned out shell of the Hopewell Baptist Church in Greenville MS. It became a rallying cry of some, claiming that all Trump supporters are racist.

The spray-painted graffiti on the burned out shell of the Hopewell Baptist Church in Greenville MS.

paint is in custody for the Nov. 1 crime. Greenville police on Wednesday arrested Andrew McClinton, 45, of Leland for setting Hopewell Baptist Church on fire, according to Warren Strain with the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation. McClinton is charged with one count of first degree arson of a place of worship. Strain said the investigation is ongoing and declined to comment further. A motive has not been released. Hopewell Bishop Clarence Green could not immediately be reached for comment. However, Green told The Associated Press that McClinton is a member of the congregation. Kenya Collins, spokesperson for the city of Greenville, said McClinton was not currently being charged with a hate crime. Please the entire story from the Jackson Clarion-Ledger

Social media linked to depression

NOTE: I feel there is a lot of truth to this. I am getting ready to also post this on Social Media right after posting on the website. Click on and read this social-media-collagearticle from Lauren Steussy of the New York post and comment what you think (when it is posted on social media). Here is a small excerpt from the article….Jason Zook started every morning by scrolling through Twitter, Instagram, Vine, his blog and Facebook. It started to have an effect on the 33-year-old entrepreneur’s mental health. The San Diego resident was stressed, distracted and feeling like he could never fulfill the expectations he created in his digital world, where he amassed more than 33,000 followers. “You start your day looking at yourself compared to other people,” he says. “You feel behind, and you have other people’s opinions pressed upon you before you have a chance to have your own.”….

Former Gov. Blagojevich again appeals prison term

By Michael Tarm, The Associated Press CHICAGO – Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich is asking a U.S. appeals court to nullify his 14-year

Gov. Rod Blagoevich being arrested by US Marshalls for trying to sell president elect Barack Obama's vacated Senate seat back in 2008 (NBC News)

Gov. Rod Blagoevich being arrested by US Marshalls for trying to sell president elect Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat back in 2008 (NBC News)

prison term and order a third sentencing hearing, with a lawyer arguing on his behalf that the Democrat’s model behavior behind bars and other factors justified a reduction in his sentence. Attorneys for the Chicago Democrat filed the appeal late Tuesday with the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The filing comes in the wake of Blagojevich’s re-sentencing on Aug. 9, when trial Judge James Zagel refused to lower the original 14-year sentence. The 7th Circuit had ordered that August re-sentencing after tossing five of Blagojevich’s 18 convictions in 2015. The 60-year-old’s remaining convictions include trying to trade an appointment to President Barack Obama’s old Senate seat for campaign cash. Prosecutors will have a chance to respond to the filing, and oral arguments would then be scheduled before a three-judge panel of the Chicago-based appellate court. Please click to read the rest of the associated press story.

RLC Foundation looks back on legacy of donor Marjorie Farrar

INA, Ill. (Dec. 21, 2016) – The Diamond donor level in the Rend Lake College Foundation is reserved for those who go far above and beyond with contributions to the college. With only 11 members of this group, these donors represent major sponsors of all kinds, from scholarship donors to event sponsors, and everything in between.
Among them is the late Marjorie S. Farrar, known to many at the RLC Foundation Children’s Center (RLCFCC) as “Grandma Marj.”
Throughout her life, Farrar and her family have made more than $250,000 in donations to the college, specifically to the RLCFCC, to reach Diamond level status. Farrar passed away on November 27 at the age of 94.
Marjorie Farrar sits with children enrolled at the RLC Foundation Children’s Center in 2012. (RLC Public Information)
Farrar’s first donation to the college dates back more than two decades when she, and her husband Fletcher, took part in the 1995 Capital Campaign to match a Title III grant. With matches from the Federal Government, the grant totaled $750,000 to create the RLC Foundation and an endowment for generations of students.
Pat Kern, former CEO of the Foundation and current RLCF Board member, recalls the beginning of Farrar’s legacy at the college. It started with a need brought to the college’s attention by the accreditation board, then called the North Central Accrediting Association.
“In 1997, the Foundation was stagnant for a few months. We wanted to do something very badly. We wanted to be active and to pick up a project,” explained Kern. “The college’s number one need at the time was a daycare center for the students, and that was presented to the Foundation and we took on the project.”
Then, the estimated cost of the Children’s Center was approximately $360,000. With no money raised, Farrar made the initial donation of $100,000 that served as a catalyst for the project. Soon another major donor in Coyn Mateer matched Farrar’s donation, and with help from other community members, the Children’s Center was soon fully funded. The RLCFCC began construction and opened in the fall of 1998.
“Marjorie loved children and she loved to hear children laugh. Most of all, she loved helping,” said Kern. “She always came to Thanksgiving dinner at the Children’s Center and she visited as often as she could. She also helped college students travel abroad. It was her opinion that education happened over a lifetime. Now her family, who she loved dearly, is carrying on her legacy by continuing to support the RLC Foundation.”
FarrarholdsDrewbaby w
Marjorie Farrar holds Aurora Drew of Benton during the RLC Foundation Children’s Center’s Thanksgiving celebration in 2013.
(RLC Public Information)
Part of that legacy also includes the initial donation of $100,000 to the RLCFCC in 2014 to get the ball rolling on a new addition. Now called the Skill Development Room, the 1,500-square-foot space provides children with an indoor recreational space and learning library.
Farrar’s donation was announced during the 2014 RLCF Annual Dinner, and was shortly followed by another significant donation from an anonymous individual. Within two years, the addition was completely funded and opened in time for the Fall 2016 semester.
A ribbon-cutting was held for the Skill Development Room in August and was led by Farrar’s son Fletcher in her absence.
In addition to her donations to the RLCFCC, Farrar also donated the lot located north of the Holiday Inn in Mt. Vernon, which was recently sold and is now under construction. Valued at approximately $500,000, the donation is one of the largest gifts-in-kind the Foundation has ever received.
Outside of her contributions to the college, Farrar was a school teacher in Salem, Ill., and Oklahoma. She also worked office jobs, one specifically at the family business, Farrar Oil Company, and owned Farraway Farm near Bluford. She also volunteered and worked at her church, Central Christian in Mt. Vernon. In 2001, Farrar was named a Senior Saint by the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce.
The family has designated the Rend Lake College Foundation as one of the charitable organizations to receive gifts in her memory. To view Marjorie Farrar’s online obituary, visit Staab Funeral Home.
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