by Tom Weber – Associate Athletic Director/Communications
CARBONDALE, IL— The brand-new Brown Dawg’s Kids Club makes its official debut on Thursday, Aug. 24, at the seventh-annual Saluki Fan Fest. A free event open to the public, Fan Fest takes place on the field at Saluki Stadium from 6:30-8 p.m. Prairie Farms will be serving free ice cream while supplies last.

Photos by SIU Media Services
The first 200 children (age 12 and under) to register for Brown Dawg’s Kids Club will receive a free membership t-shirt and laminate pass, which entitles the member to a host of benefits.
Saluki football players and coaches, cheerleaders, shakers and mascots will be on hand greeting fans and serving as host of activities for the whole family. Saluki Athletics hopes to see all Saluki fans at the seventh-annual Fan Fest. Below are highlights of the event:
FREE Brown Dawg Kids Club membership and t-shirt
FREE ice cream, chocolate milk, juice and giveaways provided by Prairie Farms, while supplies last
FREE Schedule Posters and Cards
Inflatables and bounce house
Players and coaches available for autographs
Saluki Shakers, Cheerleaders and mascots Grey Dawg and Brown Dawg on-hand
Saluki football players will lead drills in throwing, catching and kicking as well as a football obstacle course
Dress Like a Saluki photo opportunities
LEGO-building station
Get Your Tickets!
Season-ticket holder ticket pick-up and refreshments in north end zone Saluki Football Tag Day – Fans have the opportunity to purchase 2017 Season Tickets.
Tickets for all Saluki home games on sale.
About Brown Dawg’s Kids Club
*Free Membership!
*Exclusive Kids Club laminate membership to wear
*Free Kids Club t-shirt to first 200 members who sign up. (Shirt must be picked up at Kids Club table at Fanfest on Aug. 24 or at a home Football game).
*Face-painting station at the Kids Club table so you can really show your Saluki pride!
*Entered into a drawing to be Kid Captain of the Game at Saluki Football or Men’s Basketball game.
*Free admission to Saluki Volleyball, Women’s Basketball, Softball and Baseball games, by wearing your Kids Club laminate.
*Free reserved ticket to Football game on Nov. 4 versus Missouri State, in which members are invited to help form the pre-game tunnel on the field.
*Free general admission ticket to Men’s Basketball game on Dec. 19 versus North Carolina A&T, in which members are invited to help form the pre-game tunnel on the court.
*Brown Dawg’s Kids Club is proudly sponsored by 710, Southern Illinois Healthcare and the Bank of Carbondale.