Fire in Sen. Oberweis’ office clears Capitol ahead of fall session

SPRINGFIELD, IL-  (Monique Garcia, Chicago Tribune.  Please click on the link for the full story.  Here is an excerpt below.

State lawmakers returning to the Capitol for the start of a veto session were briefly turned away after a small fire broke out in a Senate office Tuesday morning.

Springfield Fire Marshal Chris Richmond said his department was called around 11 a.m. after a steam heating unit caught fire in an office used by Sen. Jim Oberweis, a Republican from Sugar Grove.

Calling it a “quirky mechanical failure,” Richmond said damage was minimal and contained to the heating unit and surrounding woodwork.

After people were allowed back into the building, senators in nearby suites could be seen propping open doors in an attempt to air out their offices.

Rauner announces bid for second term

SPRINGFIELD-  (Greg Bishop, Illinois News Network.  Please click on the link above for the full story.  Here is an excerpt below.)

Gov. Bruce Rauner announced in a new campaign ad released Monday morning that he is running again.

Narrating the two-minute online video, Rauner said he’s accomplished a lot for education and criminal justice, but there’s still big things that remain unfinished.

“Illinois still needs property tax relief, real term limits and a budget that won’t bankrupt or break us,” Rauner said.

He also said he will work to reverse the recent $5 billion income tax increase that lawmakers imposed on the state when they overrode his veto.

IL Department on Aging Assists Seniors for Medicare Open Enrollment

Free help available via Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP)

Springfield, IL – The Illinois Department on Aging’s (IDoA) Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) is reminding seniors of the free counseling assistance available to Medicare-eligible individuals and their caregivers during Medicare Open Enrollment occurring October 15th through December 7th.

With over 300 SHIP offices across Illinois, the agency stands ready to refer clients to their closest site, which can schedule an appointment to assist them with open enrollment. Take advantage of the caring, expert counselors ready to help you make sense of the complicated Medicare system to make the best choices for your healthcare. “We’d urge seniors to make an appointment at their earliest convenience, because as during every open enrollment season, we anticipate it’ll be very busy with people seeking help,” said Sandy Leith, the SHIP program’s director.

During open enrollment, eligible adults can adjust Medicare Advantage or Medicare prescription drug coverage, move from original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan – or vice versa – switch between Medicare Advantage plans, join a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan, or switch or drop existing drug plans; all of it can be overwhelming and confusing.

SHIP counselors work through the system to help seniors and people with disabilities make the best choices for their individual situation. Contact SHIP, by calling 1-800-252-8966, weekdays 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. For more information about SHIP, including a list of SHIP locations, visit the website, at:

To compare 2018 drug and health plans on your own and to find out more about Medicare options, including preventive services now covered, visit the federal website, at: or call Medicare, at: 1-800-633-4227. Medicare phone lines are open 24/7.

SHIP is not affiliated with any insurance company, and counselors do not sell or solicit any type of insurance. SHIP counselors in the field ensure that seniors and people with disabilities on Medicare understand all of the options available to them, and which choices can save them money. Counselors educate and answer questions about all Medicare plans and options.

Southern Illinois Delegation Touts East St. Louis Site for Amazon HQ

Washington, DC – Representatives Mike Bost (IL-12), Rodney Davis (IL-13) and John Shimkus (IL-15) today sent a letter to Amazon encouraging the company to consider the Metro East region as a viable site for its second corporate headquarters.

“We believe that the St. Louis region exceeds the prerequisites set forth by Amazon for its new headquarters,” said Bost. “Our community is home to a large, urban population with access to multiple modes of transportation, a world class, educated workforce, and a vibrant cultural life. It was important that we lay a marker down and do our part in ensuring that Amazon understands just how beneficial this partnership can be.”

In their letter, the Southern Illinois members stated, “The St. Louis region offers a unique opportunity and locale for the HQ2. With its thriving population and outstanding educational institutions, the region offers a highly-skilled and motivated talent pool of potential employees. As pointed out in the application, the St. Louis region currently has about a 1.3 million person labor force with many individuals coming from institutions of higher learning located in the region. It also highlights the fact that the area is home to 80,000 specialized STEM occupations and Scott Air Force Base, which attracts highly qualified cyber and IT employees.”

From George O’Connor – Communications Director for Congressman Mike Bost 

Gov. Rauner urges students to consider careers in manufacturing

CHICAGO, IL – Gov. Bruce Rauner highlighted exciting new advanced manufacturing career opportunities with a group of over 150 students from five Chicago high schools today at a National Manufacturing Month event. The event took place at the Wilbur Wright College Humboldt Park Campus, which houses the school’s vocational center.

“Manufacturing jobs have a reputation for being dirty and dangerous, but the industry continues to evolve and innovate every day, which requires a highly skilled workforce to fill these good-paying jobs,” Rauner said. “Investing in our young people and giving them the resources they need to pursue careers in advanced manufacturing is one of our top priorities. We must continue our work to make Illinois a more businesses friendly environment to create more high-quality and high-paying jobs for these bright students who will take over this critical industry.”

Wilbur Wright College Humboldt Park Campus hosted the event in partnership with the Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center (IMEC), the Chicago Metro Metal Consortium, the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development and the Greater Northwest Chicago Development Corp. The community college is part of the City Colleges of Chicago.

Students from Ombudsman High School, Austin College & Career Academy, Schurz High School, Prosser Career Academy and Roberto Clemente Community Academy received a facility tour of the college’s Vocational Center, where they were informed of the school’s nine-month Advanced Manufacturing Program in computerized numerical control (CNC). They then had the opportunity to tour Winzeler Gear, WaterSaver Faucet Co., SG360°, a subsidiary of the Segerdahl Corp., Laystrom Manufacturing Co. or Freedman Seating Co. Each company provided a presentation of career pathways.

The Advanced Manufacturing Program is nationally recognized and endorsed by the Manufacturing Institute. It is accredited by The National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS). In 2012, the computer numerical control (CNC) machining program placed 100 percent of its graduates into jobs paying $40,000 a year, with the potential to jump to $55,000 to $65,000 in less than two years. In 2024, it is estimated more than 22,000 job positions will be available because of Illinois’ retiring workforce.

According to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, manufacturing comprises 13 percent of Illinois’ economy. More than 12,000 manufacturing firms call Illinois home, providing jobs for nearly 600,000 Illinoisans.

DCFS reminds parents and caregivers that the ABCs of safe sleep for infants could save a life

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – October is Safe Sleep Awareness Month and the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is giving parents and caregivers a few reminders that can help prevent tragic accidents. Sleep suffocation and SIDS are leading causes of death for children one year old or younger but DCFS Acting Director B.J. Walker says following these simple tips could help save the lives of Illinois’ precious infants.

• DCFS advises against co-sleeping. It is especially dangerous when a parent or caregiver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol or is particularly tired.
• A child sleeps safest in a crib with a firm mattress and tightly fitted sheet. Be sure to remove pillows, blankets, bumper pads, stuffed animals and toys.
• Never let infants sleep on an adult bed or couch.

“It is vital for caregivers to learn and use the ABCs of Safe Sleep,” Walker said. “A baby should sleep Alone, on its Back, and in a safe Crib – every time.”
A “safe sleep crib” will be on display in the James R. Thompson Center lobby between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. from Monday, October 23 through Friday, October 27.

From the Department of Children and Family Services 

Illinois Governor race spending at all-time high


CARBONDALE, IL (Andrew Feather, WSIL-TV.  Please click on the link above for the full story.  Here is an excerpt below)

John Jackson, a professor at SIU’s Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, says the amount of money spent in Illinois governor’s race so far is unheard of.

“This is the earliest I’ve ever seen this much money being spent,” he said.

Pritzker was the biggest spender by far, shelling out nearly 12 million dollars, more than 127 thousand a day, over the three month span.

Governor Rauner, unchallenged on the Republican side, spent just under two and a half million dollars, but has more than 65 million dollars in cash on hand, nearly 10 times as much as any of the democrats in the race.

IL teen driver deaths cut in half over past decade

CARBONDALE, IL (Taylor Clark, KFVS-TV.  Please Click on the like above.  The please click on the link for the full story and video.  Here is an excerpt below.)

According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, the number of drivers between the age of 16 and 19 getting into fatal car accidents has dropped by 51 percent over the past 10 years.

In 2016, there were only 76 deaths in this category.

Illinois Secretary of State, Jesse White said the state’s Graduated Drivers License Program is the reason why. He is joined by many drivers education instructors in the state, like Kim Wheeler, who teaches the course at Carbondale Community High School.

“I think through education in the school system tied in with the GDL has played a huge part in that,” Wheeler said in regard to the lowering number of teen motor fatalities.

State of Illinois sells $1.5 billion in bonds

Proceeds to help pay down bill backlog

CHICAGO, IL— Today the State sold $1.5 billion in general obligation bonds to pay down a portion of Illinois’ roughly $15 billion backlog of unpaid bills. Proceeds from today’s bond sale, together with funds from the planned sale of $4.5 billion Series 2017D general obligation bonds next week, will be used to help cut the State’s backlog approximately in half by June 2018.

The State has been accruing late payment interest of 9 percent to 12 percent on a portion of its backlog obligations. Today’s bond issue has an all-in borrowing cost of 3.5 percent, cutting those costs by more than half.

The $1.5 billion in general obligation bonds issued today were sold competitively in three separate bids, each with a par amount of $500 million. The Series 2017A bonds mature in 2018, the Series 2017B bonds mature in 2019 and the Series 2017C bonds mature in 2029. The bonds are being issued as fully tax-exempt and are rated “BBB” by Fitch Ratings, “Baa3” by Moody’s Investors Service, and “BBB-” by S&P Global. The three series received nine bids. The spread on the 2029 maturity was 165 basis points over AAA November Municipal Market Data (MMD).

  • $500 million of general obligation bonds, series of November 2017A were awarded to Bank of America Merrill Lynch with a true interest cost of 1.67 percent for the one-year maturity.
  • $500 million of general obligation bonds, series of November 2017B were awarded to J.P. Morgan Securities LLC with a true interest cost of 1.75 percent for the two-year maturity.
  • $500 million of general obligation bonds, Series of November 2017C were awarded to Bank of America Merrill Lynch with a true interest cost of 3.95 percent for the 12-year maturity.

Chapman and Cutler LLP and Burke, Burns LLP are acting as co-bond counsel for the State. Chapman and Cutler is the State’s disclosure counsel. The State’s financial advisers for the transaction are PFM Financial Advisors, LLC and Public Resources Advisory Group (PRAG).

“The state received strong bids today for its bonds and is pleased with the market’s favorable reception of the sale,” said Scott Harry, director of the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget. “This bodes well for the state’s financing coming next week.”

Following the completion of next week’s $4.5 billion bonds to complete the backlog refinancing, the State will return to the capital markets later this year with a $750 million general obligation bond issue for 2018 capital projects, which will also be sold competitively.

Pritzker makes list of richest Americans; Gov. Rauner doesn’t

SPRINGFIELD, IL – (Doug Finke, Springfield Journal Register. Please click on the link for the full story. Here is an exceprt below.)

Only one of the candidates running for Illinois governor is on the annual Forbes ranking of the 400 richest Americans.

Hint: It isn’t Bruce Rauner.

That distinction belongs to Democrat J.B. Pritzker, whose wealth was pegged at $3.4 billion. Pritzker ranks 219th on the list of richest Americans. He’s one of four Pritzkers who appear on the list.

Benton, West Frankfort, Illinois News | Franklin County News