Know Where to Go with the Illinois Official Highway Map
Press Release from the Illinois Department of Transportation
SPRINGFIELD – The new Illinois Official Highway Map, featuring Lincoln’s New Salem State Historic Site in Petersburg on the cover, is now available. The 2017-2018 maps have QR (quick response) codes for numerous transportation and travel websites, updated route information and useful links.
“It’s time to update your maps,” said Illinois Transportation Secretary Randy Blankenhorn. “These maps are great to keep on hand while traveling throughout our state and are a helpful resource in emergency situations.”
Smartphone users can scan the QR codes printed on the maps for pertinent and timely information during their travels.
• QR codes:
o Getting Around Illinois website
o Amtrak and Illinois high-speed rail websites
o Start Seeing Motorcycles website
o Chicago and St. Louis traffic websites
o Alternative fuels website
o Enjoy Illinois website
• Additional websites:
o Illinois Scenic Byways
o Illinois Amber Alert
o Illinois State Police Scott’s Law (“move over law”)
Made possible by funding from the Federal Highway Administration, the Illinois Official Highway Map is published by the Illinois Department of Transportation every two years on recycled paper with soybean oil-based inks. Contact to request a map. Free copies also will be available soon at interstate rest areas and at the IDOT tent at the Illinois State Fair, Aug 10-20.