Fatal Shooting in Mt. Vernon

by Steve Dunford

At 4:35 p.m. yesterday afternoon,  the Mt. Vernon Police Department responded to a report of gunshots fired in the 700 block of 25th street. All available units responded to the scene.

A short time later there was an individual presented to the emergency room of St. Mary’s-Good Samaritan hospital with gunshot wounds.  WSIL-TV reported that a family member said the victim passed away.

Witnesses at the scene said that Roderick Shondale Oats Jr,, 18 of Mt. Vernon was a person of interest.  After a manhunt, Oats was taken into custody at 11:51 pm last night.

Along with the Mt. Vernon police department, the Illinois State Police and the Jefferson County Coroner’s and States Attorney’s office aided in the investigation.

The information was taken from a press release by the Mt. Vernon police

IL River to River yard sale helps out community

EAST CAPE GIRARDEAU, IL http://www.kfvs12.com/story/35840236/il-river-to-river-yard-sale-helps-out-community

The River to River yard sale was held this weekend in southern Illinois.

The yard sales are lined up on Highway 146 from East Cape Girardeau to Cave-in-Rock.

We caught up with a large gathering of sellers at the Miles Trading Post Flea Market where thousands of items and dozens of tables were out on display.

One seller said this weekend helps significantly with his income throughout the year.


Press Release from the Illinois State Police

Springfield – Illinois State Police (ISP) officials said farewell to their fallen brother, Trooper Ryan Albin, star number 5718. Hundreds of law enforcement officers from across the country made the trip to central Illinois to pay their respects to this fallen hero as well. Trooper Albin was laid to rest today with full honors at Bellflower Cemetery.Trooper Ryan Albin was killed in the line of duty on June 28, 2017, when he was traveling on I-74 westbound near Farmer City, and his vehicle collided with a box truck as both vehicles entered a construction zone. Trooper Albin joined the ISP in 2006 and was currently assigned to District 6 in Pontiac as a canine officer.

Director Leo P. Schmitz fondly recalled memories of Trooper Albin as he eulogized him during today’s funeral. “Ryan took such pride in serving and protecting. Over and over he worked to make a difference to positively impact the citizens of Illinois,” said Director Schmitz. “It will take time to heal. It will take time to rebuild. But Ryan would want us to carry on,” Schmitz added.

Trooper Albin grew up in Bellflower, Illinois. He attended Bellflower Grade School, Blue Ridge Junior High, and Blue Ridge High School. Trooper Albin obtained a bachelor’s degree from Eureka College in Eureka, Illinois. Trooper Albin was an inspiration to his fellow officers who often consulted with him for guidance. He will be remembered for his work ethic and dedication to selfless service.

Trooper Albin is survived by his parents, two sisters, a six-year-old daughter and a two year-old son

Search continues for missing man from Karnak, IL


GRAND CHAIN, IL  –  (Jasmine Adams, KFVS-TV.  Please click for the link above for the full story.  Here is an excerpt below.)

Search crews will resume their search on the Ohio River for a man from Karnak, Illinois who went missing on June 25.

According to a family member, Shawn Neill, 42, went camping Saturday night on June 24 behind the Grand Chain Lodge.

The last time anyone saw Neill was on Sunday afternoon, June 25, between 6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

They said he stopped by his mom’s house the next afternoon for dinner and went back to his camping location after visiting with his parents.

The family member said he went back and forth between the camp site to his parent’s house on an ATV.

Dale Fowler statement on income tax increase

Press Release from Senator Dale Fowler

State Sen. Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg) offered the following comments after the Illinois Senate passed a spending plan for Fiscal Year 2018 and a tax increase on July 4.

“Southern Illinois can’t afford another tax increase, our region is already suffering from an exodus of residents to Indiana, Kentucky, or Missouri or other points across the nation. I made a promise to my constituents, that I would oppose tax increases if they were not coupled with reforms to make Illinois more competitive, Fowler said. “To lend my support for another tax increase without the assurances that it would be applied to the state’s $14.7 billion backlog, would be irresponsible. It is a shame that the legislative majorities backed away from any meaningful reforms and decided to instead proceed with a tax package which endangers our already fragile Illinois economy.”  State Sen. Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg) offered the following comments after the Illinois Senate passed a spending plan for Fiscal Year 2018 and a tax increase on July 4. “Southern Illinois can’t afford another tax increase, our region is already suffering from an exodus of residents to Indiana, Kentucky, or Missouri or other points across the nation. I made a promise to my constituents, that I would oppose tax increases if they were not coupled with reforms to make Illinois more competitive, Fowler said. “To lend my support for another tax increase without the assurances that it would be applied to the state’s $14.7 billion backlog, would be irresponsible. It is a shame that the legislative majorities backed away from any meaningful reforms and decided to instead proceed with a tax package which endangers our already fragile Illinois economy.”

Bost Applauds Federal Funding Decision for Mascoutah Schools

George O’ Connor, Communications Director for Congressman Mike Bost

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike Bost applauded today’s announcement from the U.S. Department of Education that the Mascoutah School District will continue to be eligible for critical education funding through the federal Impact Aid program.  This program helps the district educate children connected to Scott Air Force Base.   


“Ensuring the children of military families receive a high quality public education where they can learn alongside local peers is a promise we’ve made to our veterans and the communities that support our Armed Forces,” said Bost.  “However, cumbersome rules and requirements can put important federal funds for these children at risk.  Last year, Congress enacted legislation I sponsored that helped provide some additional Impact Aid funding for Mascoutah. Today, I am pleased that the U.S. Department of Education has accepted Mascoutah’s application resubmission for Heavily Impacted Aid, a goal we’ve been fighting for since my first year in office.  I intend to work with my colleagues to ensure that the criteria used to determine eligibility fully reflects local tax efforts to support public education so similar problems do not result at Mascoutah or another military community.


“We truly appreciate the leadership Rep. Bost has shown and the personal attention he gave to our unique problem,” said Craig Fiegel, Superintendent of the Mascoutah School District 19.  “This has been a time-intensive process to solve a complex funding problem.  We appreciate his tenacity and responsiveness to our needs.  We’re been really impressed with the help and all the efforts Rep. Bost and his staff provided on our behalf.”



Impact Aid compensates local schools for “substantial and continuing financial burden” resulting from federal activities, such as educating children of military service members.  The federal government provides compensation because local governments are unable to collect property or other taxes from federal property.  In exchange, local tax rates for education must meet a certain threshold for participation. However, not all local public education taxes count towards the local participation requirement.  Mascoutah was informed last year by the United States Department of Education that it was losing eligibility for heavily impacted aid due local tax rates allegedly falling below the threshold for participation.  Recently, the Illinois State Board of Education submitted corrected state-wide tax data demonstrating Mascoutah actually met tax rate participation criteria. 

Illinois workers’ paychecks to shrink after House overrides Gov. Rauner vetoes


SPRINGFIELD, IL-  (Greg Bishop and Dan McCaleb, Illinois News Network.  Please click on the link above for the full story.  Here is the link below.)

The next paycheck Illinois’ workers receive will have less money in it than the one before it. So will the one after. And the one after that.

For the first time in more than two years, the state has an enacted budget, but it comes at a significant cost to taxpayers.

House Speaker Michael Madigan got exactly the 71 votes he needed to overturn Rauner’s vetoes. Ten Republicans joined 61 Democrats in voting to override.

“The people in this chamber did not do what was easy today, but we did what was right for the future of out state,” Madigan said on the House floor. “There are a lot of things that will be said about this vote, but the most important thing I can point to is that Republican legislators and Democratic legislators got this done together.”

NOTE:  The Southern Illinois Legislators did not change their vote as Dave Severin (R-Benton) voted no.  Terri Braynt (R-Murphysboro) and Brandon Phelps (D-Norris City) voted yes.

Area senators John Cavaletto (R-Salem) and Jerry Costello II (D-Smithston) voted no as well.

Officials: Substance found at Capitol not hazardous


SPRINGFIELD, IL – (WAND, TV.  Please click on the link above for the full story and video.   Here is an excerpt below.)

The Illinois State Capitol was on lockdown after Capitol Police arrested a suspect for throwing white powder near the Governor’s office.

According to WAND-TV Capitol Reporter Michon Lindstrom, a woman was arrested for throwing the white substance in front of the doorway to Governor Bruce Rauner’s office, the Lt. Governor’s office and the House Gallery on Thursday afternoon.


$5 billion in tax hikes on line as House returns to session for historic veto override vote


SPRINGFIELD, IL – (Greg Bishop, Illinois News Network.)  Please click on the link for the full story.  Here is an excerpt,)

Lawmakers in the Illinois House return to the Capitol this afternoon for an historic vote that could cost state taxpayers more than $5 billion in tax increases.

Gov. Bruce Rauner is urging lawmakers in the House not to override his vetoes of the tax hikes and $36.5 billion budget, saying that without reforms Illinois will soon be back for more money from taxpayers.

The Senate already voted to override Rauner’s vetoes. Today’s vote in the House will determine their fate, assuming a quorum of representatives are present. The House didn’t have quorums when called into session both Tuesday and Wednesday. A successful override, which will take 71 votes, means the 32 percent income tax increase and 33 percent corporate tax increase go into effect immediately. Anything short of 71 votes and Rauner’s veto stands and lawmakers will have to get back to work.

Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs Executes Rapid Response to Cyber Issue

Springfield, IL – On July 3, 2017, the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs (IDVA) reported evidence of malware virus on the agency’s network. IDVA staff quickly responded to minimize the spread and launched a security incident response through the Illinois Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT). At this time, technical and security teams are working to restore crucial services and investigate the scope and cause of the incident.

“I am pleased with our staff’s prompt response to this incident,” said Erica Jeffries, Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs. “Teams are working around the clock to restore services for our veterans in the most rapid and secure means possible. In the meantime, IDVA can be reached at 1-800-437-9824 and staff is available in our 80 Illinois counties to answer any questions on services and veteran benefits.”

Security incidents such as these further validate the importance of an enterprise approach to cybersecurity at the State of Illinois. On March 21, 2017, Governor Rauner released the State of Illinois Cybersecurity Strategy, which has been developed to help ensure critical information and systems are protected from cyber-attacks. The plan also establishes consistent response strategies in the event of cyber incidents.

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