Speaker of Record: The man behind the fiscal fiasco in Illinois


SPRINGFIELD, IL –  (Dave McKinney, Reuters News Service.)

NOTE:  This is a very long piece about Mike Madigan.  It gives a lot of the history of his life.  It is a very good read.  Here is the introduction below.

Hundreds of politicians share blame for drowning the state’s government in billions of dollars of debt and unfunded pension liabilities. But House Speaker Michael Madigan – a dominant political force for three decades – has been the constant in key decisions that created the mess.



Armed man dies after standoff with police in Belleville

BELLEVILLE, IL – (Stephanie Baumer, KMOV-TV.  Please click on the link above for the full story.  Here is an excerpt and video below.)

A SWAT team assisted police in Belleville during a standoff with an armed man on Tuesday.

Police said, Donald Martin, 39, a resident in the 620 block of South 20th Street became irritated and began firing off his shotgun after fireworks were set off in the neighborhood Tuesday.


GOP lawmakers, governor worry proposed budget has education funding boobytrap


SPRINGFIELD, IL – (Greg Bishop, Illinois News Network.  Please click on the link above for the full story, Here is an excerpt below.)

School districts across the state could be without funds if there’s not an evidence-based school funding reform measure, sought by House Speaker Michael Madigan, in place soon.

Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto message of the budget said that it “holds schools hostage to force a Chicago bailout,” because if education funding reform legislation doesn’t become law soon, no money goes out to any school in August.

The Democrats’ measure passed both chambers some time ago but has yet to be sent to the governor. Republicans criticized that plan because they said it includes what amounts to a bailout of Chicago Public Schools. They proposed what they said was compromise plan, but that was never allowed to come for a vote.

The Democrats’ measure passed both chambers some time ago but has yet to be sent to the governor. Republicans criticized that plan because they said it includes what amounts to a bailout of Chicago Public Schools. They proposed what they said was compromise plan, but that was never allowed to come for a vote.


Eclipse viewing at Bald Knob Cross


ALTO PASS, IL (WSIL-TV.  Please click for the link for the full story above.  Here is an excerpt below.)

Folks looking for the perfect place to view the August eclipse you still have the chance to watch it from a southern Illinois landmark.

Officials at Bald Knob Cross has begun selling tickets for the eclipse.

Bald Knob Mountain is the highest point in our area at 1,034 feet.

The cost is $50 for a spot, shuttle ride to the cross, eclipse glasses and more.

They are also offering a $250 option to get a marked-off 100-foot square area to set up telescopes and camera equipment.

Senate overrides Gov. Rauner vetoes of $5 billion tax hike, budget; House up next


SPRINGFIELD, IL  – (Greg Bishop and Dan McCaleb, Illinois News Newtork.  Please Click on the link about for the full story.  Here is an excerpt.)

Hours after sending Gov. Bruce Rauner three budget-related bills that would raise taxes by $5 billion, the Senate voted to override his vetoes of them.

The votes and vetoes came during an historic session at the state Capitol on Independence Day. The House, scheduled to return to session at 4:30 p.m. today, still needs to vote on Rauner’s veto overrides before the tax hike and budget bills take effect. Earlier in the day, House Speaker Michael Madigan said he didn’t think he’s call a veto override vote today.

“We passed a bipartisan budget for the first time in a couple of years,” Senate President John Cullerton told senators immediately after the override votes. “I’m certainly disappointed that he vetoed a balanced budget.”

Illinois Senate approves House’s $5 billion tax hike, $36.5 billion spending plan


Former gubernatorial candidate and Senate Minority Leader Bill Brady, discussing the bills on the senate floor. (Illinois News Network photo)

SPRINGFIELD, IL – (Greg Bishop, Illinois News Network.  Please click on the link above for the full story, and other related stories.  Here is an excerpt below.)

In an historic session on Independence Day, the Illinois Senate approved three budget-related bills that would raise taxes by $5 billion effective immediately and spend $36.5 billion in fiscal year 2018.

Gov. Bruce Rauner has vowed to veto the tax hike. Even with a Rauner veto, if no votes change in either the House, which passed the same measures Sunday night, or Senate, the tax hikes and spending plan will go into effect.

Senators needed exactly 36 votes to send House Speaker Michael Madigan’s tax increase on to the governor, and that’s exactly how many it received. 18 senators voted against it.

Note:  For the amendments passed by the House on Senate bill 0006,  which is for the budget,  Dale Fowler (R – Harrisburg), voted for them, Paul Schimpf (R- Smithston) voted against them.

For the tax increase, SB0009, both Fowler and Schimpf voted it down.

State Senator Dale Fowler week in review – June 26-30

Press release from State Senator Dale Fowler, (R – Harrisburg)

SPRINGFIELD, IL – After busting through a midnight deadline on June 30 to resolve the state’s fiscal situation, State Sen. Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg) remains watchfully positive that progress is being made on a FY 2018 budget.

After 11 days of special session, the Senator, who was at the State Capitol for every day of session, felt that some pieces were starting to come together as the Illinois House of Representatives held a vote on a budget bill that received bipartisan support, and negotiations continued between both legislative leaders and rank-and-file lawmakers.

Fowler meets with area superintendents – On the eve of the Senate’s return to the Capitol, Senator Fowler met with 22 Southern Illinois school superintendents to discuss their current fiscal conditions. It was immediately clear that the state’s ongoing budget impasse had taken its toll on schools in the district, as an overwhelming majority of schools have less than four months of operating budgets. A handful of schools expressed extreme concerns about their ability to open for the first day of school in August.

Marion Senior Fair –  Despite not being able to attend their own senior fair due to session obligations, Senator Fowler and Representative Dave Severin hosted a successful event on June 27. The inaugural senior fair was held at Marion’s HUB Recreation Center and played host more than 20 vendors from the region. Approximately, 150 senior citizens were able to take advantage of a host of free services provided by the vendors in attendance.

Illinois State Police to conduct roadside safety checks thorugh July

Press release form the Illinois State Police

DuQuoin, IL – Illinois State Police (ISP) District 13 / 22 Interim Commander, Lieutenant Michael Alvey, announces the ISP will conduct Roadside Safety Checks (RSCs) in Williamson County during the month of July 2017. The use of RSCs combine a strong sense of public awareness and enforcement in order to save lives of the motoring public.

The ISP has zero tolerance for impaired driving in Illinois.  Officers working the detail will be watchful for drivers who are operating vehicles in an unsafe manner, driving with a suspended or revoked driver’s license, transporting open alcoholic beverages, and most importantly:

  •   Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
  •   Safety Belt and Child Restraint use
  •   Speeding
  •   Distracted Driving
  •   All Illinois Vehicle Code and Criminal Violations.

Alcohol and drug impairment is a factor in more than 30 percent of all fatal motor vehicle crashes in Illinois, and throughout the U.S., nearly 10,000 people die each year due to alcohol-impaired driving.  RSCs are designed to keep our roads safe by taking dangerous DUI offenders off the road.  This project is funded through the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Senate adjourns with no tax hike, budget votes


SPRINGFIELD IL – (Greg Bishop and Dan McCaleb, Illinois News Network.  Please click on the link above for the full story.  Here is an excerpt below.)

Senate President John Cullerton adjourned his chamber late Monday afternoon without calling for votes on tax hike and spending plans approved Sunday by the House, signaling he doesn’t have enough vote to pass them on to the governor.

Cullerton hinted earlier that the Senate might not be able to move House Speaker Michael Madigan’s $5 billion tax hike legislation without Republicans’ support.

The House tax increase plan approved Sunday night includes a 32 percent income tax increase and a 33 percent corporate tax hike. It received “yes” votes from 15 Republicans and 57 Democrats. Both are scheduled to take effect July 1 if approved in the Senate and the measures survive a gubernatorial veto.

Illinois DNR: No, there aren’t sharks in Illinois River


SPRINGFIELD, IL (Benjamin Yount, Illinois News Network.  Please click on the link above for the full story.  Here is an excerpt below.)

NOTE:  There have been stories that have been circulated across Southern Illinois that is similar to this in nature.  One was there was a Shark in Rend Lake.  There was a dorsal fin Photoshopped in with a picture form the dam.  There was another that was similar that said the Lake of Egypt had piranhas with the power plant in the background.

These come under the name, Channel 23 News.  KBSI has local news, however KFVS produces it.  If you would see something like this coming from Channel 12 or other media sites in this market, it would be believable.-  Steve


The Illinois Department of Natural Resources is assuring folks across the state that there are no sharks in the Illinois River.

Despite what your Facebook feed says, Illinois Department of Natural Resources spokesman Ed Cross said there are no bull sharks swimming in the Illinois River near Morris.

Cross said in the age of social media, even a parody website looks real enough.

“If you don’t see anything from us concerning a shark in a lagoon in Orland Park or in a pond in Sangamon County, there’s no need to hit the panic button yet,” Cross said.



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