Governor Signs Compromise Bill to Combat Repeat Gun Offenders

Bipartisan legislation result of successful negotiations between Rauner Administration, City of Chicago and General Assembly

Press Release From Governor Bruce Rauner’s office

SPRINGFIELD, IL  – Governor Bruce Rauner today signed a landmark criminal justice bill in his capitol office with Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, Sen. Kwame Raoul (D-Chicago), House Republican Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs), and other members of the General Assembly. The bill is a result of successful negotiations between the administration, City of Chicago and the General Assembly that will crack down on criminals who are repeat gun offenders, safely reduce the prison population, and create a more rehabilitative criminal justice system.

“This legislation provides new tools for law enforcement and the Courts to take on violent crime, while providing a second chance for non-violent, first time offenders,” Governor Rauner said. “This shows what is possible when leaders at all levels of government work together, and across party lines, to address the challenges facing our cities and state. It took several months of hard work, compromise and bipartisan cooperation – but together, we got it done.”

SB 1722 makes a number of changes to the criminal justice system to improve how we punish and rehabilitate gun offenders, as well as combat gang violence in Illinois. The bill will strengthen sentencing guidelines if they have committed a gun crime before. It also creates a First-Time Weapon Offender Diversion Program to address the underlying reasons why a young adult may have committed the offense.

“The Safe Neighborhoods Reform Act will help improve public safety in Chicago and across Illinois, holding repeat gun offenders accountable for their crimes,” said Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. “I want to thank Senator Kwame Raoul and Leader Jim Durkin for their leadership in advancing this important legislation, and Governor Rauner for signing it into law. Improving public safety is everyone’s responsibility, and this law will help make neighborhoods across Illinois stronger, safer and more secure.”

“Today marks an important first step toward reducing gun violence in Chicago and other gang-ridden areas in this state,” Leader Durkin said. “We need to take the streets back for the law abiding citizens of Illinois and turn the tide back to families that want nothing more than a chance to raise their children with safety.”

Additionally, the bill will create a Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force within the Illinois State Police. This task force will be dedicated to combatting gun violence and other violent crime in Chicago and around the state.

“The Safe Neighborhoods Reform Act will be of great benefit to the criminal justice system in Illinois and will give law enforcement the tools they need to pursue violent criminals. The Act creates the Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force, which will compliment proactive measures taken by police officers, and allow law enforcement to focus on taking violent criminals off the street to protect the lives and safety of Illinois citizens,” said Illinois State Police Director Leo P. Schmitz.

The bill also contains a number of criminal justice reforms like expanding probation eligibility for first-time drug offenders and gives the Department of Corrections more discretion in awarding sentencing credit.

“The Safe Neighborhoods Reform Act represents the essential balancing of public safety and individualized assessment of those in our criminal justice system by encouraging the judiciary to hold those who threaten public safety accountable without removing the judiciary’s discretion to divert or provide lower sentences to low-risk or non-violent offenders,” Sen. Raoul said. “The Act is not a cure-all to gun violence and our work on criminal justice reform is not complete.”

“I am proud to join Governor Rauner, Leader Durkin and a bipartisan group of legislators to see the Safe Neighborhood Act signed into law. As a lifelong resident of the City of Chicago and as a representative of a segment of the City’s northwest side, I am encouraged to see steps being taken to crack down on rising gun violence,” explained State Representative Michael P. McAuliffe (R-Chicago). “I am honored to represent a district that is home to many members of the Chicago Police Department who work to keep the streets of Chicago safe, so I am hopeful that this newly enacted law will aid them in that effort.”

Negotiations on SB 1722 were underway for months between the Rauner Administration and the General Assembly. The compromise bill passed the Senate in April, and the House passed it at the end of May. It takes effect in January of 2018.


Rauner won’t sign 911 funding plan that could increase phone taxes


CHICAGO, IL-  (Chicago Tribune Staff Report.  Please click on the link for the full story.  Here is an excerpt below.)

Gov. Bruce Rauner’s administration said Thursday he would not support legislation that would allow the city to raise telephone fees in order to pay for 911 emergency service.

The measure, which was approved in the final hours of the spring legislative session, contained a provision extending the Emergency Telephone System Act. That law is set to expire on July 1, and allows phone carriers to collect money to support local 911 services.

AT & T filed a motion with the Illinois Commerce Comission to end land line service in the state.   The company bills the effort as a move to modernization that would allow it to invest more resources into its wireless and internet-based phone networks. Critics say the bill would leave behind hundreds of thousands of residents, particularly seniors, who rely on traditional landline telephone service.

No movement on budget, tax increase, but fingers continue to point elsewhere

State Senator John Cullerton in a press briefing yesterday. (Illinois News Network photo)

SPRINGFIELD, IL – (Greg Bishop, Illinois News Newtwork.  Please click on the link above for the full story and stories involving the happenings in Springfield yesterday.  Here is an excerpt below.)

On the third day of special session at the Illinois state Capitol, nothing was accomplished on a budget or reforms to grow the economy, but the state’s political leaders continued to point fingers at one another.

Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, said his chamber did its work during regular session by passing a budget, a $5.4 billion tax increase and various reforms. He said Friday he planned to meet with the leaders of the House and Senate Republicans to try to push action.

“The governor has not called a leaders’ meeting with the five of us since Dec. 6, so I thought it would be helpful if we met with the four legislative leaders,” Cullerton said. “But the governor pulled the plug on that, told the Republicans not to go.”

Rauner denied that.


Press Release from State Senator Dale Fowler

SPRINGFIELD, IL – Following several previous attempts to fix the school funding formula, State Senators Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg) and Paul Schimpf (R-Waterloo) are supporting a more fair and equitable school funding plan that avoids picking “winners and losers

Senate Bill 1124, Senate Floor Amendment 3, is a Republican compromise proposal to fix Illinois’ nearly 20 year-old school funding formula, in order to more equitably fund schools across the state.

“The old funding formula leaves a large amount of my district’s schools on the ‘short end’ when it comes to equitable funds. It is imperative that we put all of the state’s schools on a level footing,” Fowler said.

“This compromise represents a unique opportunity to give our Southern Illinois school districts the resources they need to educate our children,” Schimpf said.

SB 1124’s newest funding formula is supported by the latest dataset from the Illinois State Board of Education. A key feature of this proposal is that, unlike previous measures—including Senate Bill 1, there would be fewer dollars of the top that are immediately distributed to the Chicago Public School system, which continues to struggle after years of fiscal mismanagement.

In fact, Senate Bill 1124 SFA3 would drive more funding to low-income students across the state’s 852 school districts than previous measures, including Senate Bill 1. The ISBE analysis shows Senate Bill 1124 provides every single school district with more evidence-based tier funding than Senate Bill 1. When including both base funding and tier funding, every downstate and suburban school district would receive more funding through Senate Bill 1124 than under Senate Bill 1.

The Governor has already indicated that he would veto Senate Bill 1, and voicing his support for SB 1124 as the next best set of negotiated school funding terms—with much of the proposal having been agreed to by both sides of the political aisle. Senator Schimpf said he hopes that SB 1124 will be taken up during the current remaining days of Special Session.

The updated funding formula for Senator Fowler’s 59th Senate District can be found at The funding information for Senator Schimpf’s 58th District can be found at

Both Fowler and Schimpf represent the all or portions of nearly 19 counties that are the southern third of Illinois. From a geographic area that stretches from across the Gateway Arch in Downtown St. Louis, to Hamilton County and as far south as Cairo and Metropolis and all points in-between, school funding formulas vary wildly.

Here is the school funding chart for the districts in the 59th District:

Small Illinois town prepares to take center stage during total solar eclipse

The line marking the eclipse’s path goes through Dave Dardis’ art studio in Makanda.  CBS News

MAKANDA, IL – (Adriana Diaz, CBS News.  Please click on the link above to read the full story and watch the accompanying video.  Here is an excerpt below.)

A rare event in space will bring a dark day for millions of Americans, but many see it as a cause for celebration

The small town of Makanda, Illinois, however, will be directly in the eclipse’s path and is one of the places where the eclipse can be viewed the longest – over two minutes, reports CBS News’ Adriana Diaz.

“I do feel lucky. How can you not feel lucky? This is a lucky event,” said Dave Dardis.

The solar eclipse’s path runs straight through Dave Dardis’ art studio and shop in Makanda, and friends are coming out of the woodwork to get in on the action.


Press Release from State Senator Dale Fowler’s office 

Note – Please check out the video on’s Facebook page as KFVS-TV’s Carly O’ Keefe interviews Senator Fowler.  He addresses education issues in detail.

HARRISBURG, IL – Budget inaction and continued uncertainty were on the minds of area superintendents during a June 20 meeting convened by State Sen. Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg) to discuss area schools’ cash flow issues.

“Our school superintendents are increasingly frustrated with the ongoing impasse, and that associated uncertainty weighs heavily on their decisions when roughly 80 percent of my supers indicate that they have less than 120 days of working cash,” Fowler said.

“How can they think about improving educational quality for Southern Illinois students, when they are more concerned with ensuring that the doors are able to open in less than two months?”

The meeting was attended by 22 Southern Illinois superintendents, from 10 of the 13 counties that make up the 59th Senate District. At least four school districts indicated that they doubt they have enough working cash to open the doors in August. A series of education cooperatives throughout the 59th have already prepared to close without a budget. Those closures and other uncertainties have already resulted in dozens of educators and scores of other educational professionals knowing that they will not be retained for the 2017-2018 school year.

“I heard from one superintendent that he does his own diesel mechanicing on his district’s buses. These administrators have cut for years and now we are in crisis mode,” Fowler concluded.

The June 20 meeting was held on the eve of the Illinois General Assembly’s return to the State Capitol for a 10 day special session. Senator Fowler has been anxiously awaiting the return to Springfield to hopefully bring an end to the budget impasse.

Harrisburg Superintendent Mike Gauch offered the following comments: “I appreciated this meeting today, and I hope that we can do it more often. It was refreshing to have a legislator meet with us. We have a situation here in Southern Illinois where we need funding just to open our doors. We are all frustrated and we know that the taxpayers have done their part and we are obligated to open the doors.”

Vienna High School Superintendent Josh Stafford noted that, “We can’t continue to take in a nickel and spend a dime. Because of the absolute circus in Springfield, it’s putting our most precious resource, our youth, at risk because the school doors can’t open on time. The state cannot continue to pass along mandates without local control. We have to have a larger discussion on returning local control back to the local districts. On average, between the five schools in Vienna and the surrounding area that feed into Vienna High, we have approximately 85 days of working cash available.”

Edwardsville man charged with threatening to assassinate President Trump

Troy Police Department photo provided to KTVI-TV

EDWARDSVILLE, IL (Kara Berg, Belleville News Democrat.  Please click on link above for the full story.  Here is an excerpt.

An Edwardsville man posted on Facebook that he wanted to assassinate President Donald Trump, according to federal authorities.

Joseph Lynn Pickett was charged with threatening the president of the United States on June 15.

U.S. Secret Service Special Agent Vincent Pescitelli said Pickett threatened to “take the life of, to kidnap, and to inflict bodily harm” against Trump on Facebook, according to a criminal complaint filed with the charges. The complaint included screenshots of Pickett’s Facebook posts.

Lawmakers meet briefly ….special session costing taxpayers $48k daily

by Steve Dunford

Several media sources are reporting that each day the general assembly is in special session, called by Governor Bruce Rauner for the purpose of passing a budget, will be costing Illinois taxpayers nearly $48,000 daily.

State Senator Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg)  stated in a press release, that he will refuse to take mileage  and pay for this special session.

The House only met a half hour yesterday.   The Senate meet briefly.  Speaker of the House Mike Madigan was a no show when the house convened.   In several reports in the Springfield Journal-Register stated that lawmakers used the time for meeting with the press and caucusing with their own parties.

Madigan issued this statement in a press conference, “We are going to work on balancing the budget.  That means cuts and revenue.  I have said that for the last 2 1/2 years., will keep you informed of any progress throughout the special session.

No budget movement on 1st day of special session; Madigan says House nears plan that is close to GOP’s

SPRINGFIELD, IL –  (Greg Bishop – Illinois News Network.  Please click link above for the full story, and a press conference from house speaker Michael Madigan.   Here is an excerpt)

The two leaders in the Illinois House differ on the recent history of state’s two-year budget impasse, with Republicans asking House Democrats to show their work.

With an unfunded pension liability of more than $130 billion, the backlog of unpaid bills topping $15 billion, no certainty for Illinois road projects, public schools and multi-state lottery, and a sputtering economy with continued out-migration, the first day of special session ended without any action on a budget or reforms to grow the economy. The House ended in less than eight minutes without any action taken on a budget or reforms.

State Sen. Dale Righter, R-Mattoon, asked pointed questions Wednesday.

“Where is the Speaker? Where’s his plan?” Righter asked. “How does he balance the budget? How does he get Illinois’ economy going? Where is the Speaker?”

Severin Surprises Veterans Service Officers and Volunteers with Recognition

MARION, IL – Today, State Representative Dave Severin visited the Veterans Affairs Department in Marion, to honor several Veterans Service Officers and volunteers for the work they do for Veterans. Ed Humphrey of AMVETS, Gregory L. Strong of the VFW, William Slider of American Legion, and Denton Vaughn of DAV all received an Illinois House of Representatives certificate of recognition from Rep. Severin for their work.

“I know each of these Veterans Service officers work incredibly hard for the veterans they serve.” Rep. Severin said, “While it often goes unrecognized, the work they do makes a world of difference for countless veterans. These certificates were simply my way of showing a little appreciation for the important services they provide.”

Caleb, and Charles Humphrey were also honored, they will be receiving the Daughters of the American Revolution National Youth Volunteer Service Award for Veterans on July 1st. Kathie Coates works for AMVETS and interacts with the Service Officers and volunteers on a regular basis and brought their work to Rep. Severin’s attention.

“These gentleman are truly awesome and a one of a kind group even though they work for different organizations.” Said Ms. Coates, “The veteran is what is most important to each of them, so they help each other out to make sure they are doing everything possible for each veteran

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